
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Meet Willy!

What can I needle felting class was a blast!!!! I wish I had known how easy and fun this was long before now. LOL!

The class was held in an old mill that was used to process wool. The grounds were lovely, with a pond full of ducks and a waterfall gliding over huge boulders. Inside the mill, there were many of the old machines that were used to mill the wool brought in by the shepherds.

There were at least seventeen ladies in attendance and as usual, there was no one there around my age. What else is new? LOL! I came prepared with my two inch upholstery foam and was then given a needle that was four inches in length! We were then informed that there were plenty of band aids available if need be :oS

Needle felting a three dimensional object is pretty basic when you break it down. You create each part separately and then join them together. Wool is bunched together and then jabbed with a needle, condensing it while you are trying to form your piece. The main thing is not to accidentally jab your fingers in the process. I did a few times and it hurts! Luckily, my jabs didn't break the skin.

I knew that we were going to be creating an animal but I didn't know it was going to be a sheep until I got to class. So everyone, I want you to meet Willy -


Willy is made from 100% wool from Nova Scotia :o) His curly locks are real ones sheered from a sheep.


Handsome, isn't he? ;o) I think now that I know what I'm doing, I might actually be able to buy this kit, or maybe this one :o)

If you have been waiting for my sale's list to go up, I apologize that it's been late but it IS up now! Just head over to the Market. There is still a bit of fabric to go up and unfortunately it won't be until later in the week. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


  1. Willy is adorable ! I think he needs those bunnies to keep him company :)

  2. Willy looks so cute! Cathey...I think you should do both those kits, just because!

  3. Willy is adorable! I would be tempted with both kits!

  4. Willy is so cute. What a great job on your first try. Very interesting new hobby.

  5. Willy is too cute, Cathey!! I haven't visited your blog in awhile, so I've been doing a little catch up. Everything looks amazing in your new house...congratulations!! Is Duncan an Australian Cattle Dog? He looks a lot like my new puppy, except he's red and my puppy is blue.

  6. Wow, in just one lesson?!! He looks fabulous! Yep, I think bunnies next... ;o)

  7. Oh, how fun!! Willy is very cute :)

  8. Willy is too cute! As far as I know there are no classes like that around here. I have to get my crafty fixes from the Martha Stewart shows :o)

  9. He's so cute, what a fun project. Glad you had a good time. Beach house is looking wonderful as well.

  10. I love Willy, he is so cute. He needs the rabbits to keep him company, or some more sheep!!!

  11. Well Hon, I think you did an amazing job on Willy. Of course, I would not have expected any less. Willy is so cute and cuddly, it makes one want to reach in the computer and steal him. Good Job!

    {{{Hugs and Love}}}

  12. Oh, good job! Willy is adorable!

    LOL the little pumpkin is sweet ~ you should get it!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)