
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stash Savings

Want to see some eye candy? Hey, why not on a Saturday morning. You know you want to ;o)

It seems that no matter where I live, stash seems to follow me. I have no idea how it happens. It's not like I'm doing anything to encourage it ;o)

About a week ago, I got my order from Anita's Little Stitches and I've been rolling in it ever since (thanks to the generosity of Erynne and Anita) -


Fun, fun, fun! I finally got myself some of those floss tag rings so hopefully I'll try my hand at one soon. Have any of you ordered Carrie's new silks? They are y-u-m-m-y!

On the 123 Board, I was the lucky winner of some Six Strand Sweets from Amanda -


Yesterday, DH had the day off so we toured a bit of our new town. I ended up drooling in some of the gift shops, thinking of all the new decorating ideas I'm having for our new house, whenever that is. I even found a hanging sign with a pumpkin!!!! Very country/folk art and hopefully it will still be there when I go back :o)

One shop we went into had a few (and I mean very few) stitching supplies. But hey, stash is stash right? Anyway, they had a bin of discounted patterns for $2 and look what I found -


When I went to pay for it, it was discounted another 25%! So that's my HUGE deal of the year so far. Even DH was impressed :o)


  1. Wow! What a great price for the chart !!!

    Stash tend to follow us everywhere, that's why we don't need a wagon !!! lol

  2. very yummy stash and a good bargain too.

  3. Oh Have fun playing and oogling all your new stash!!!!

  4. Lovely stash and a great bagain as well!

    Love the seaside theme to your post today. You seem to be enjoying your new home! I am so glad.

  5. WOW look at all the lovely stash !!

  6. Sounds like you and DH had a nice day together and stash enhancing too?! Sweet.

  7. Fantastic stash, love those scissors.
    What a great bargain, don't ya just love it?

  8. Great stash bargains, and some lovely packages!

  9. It's just as much fun playing with stash as actually stitching so you're in for a lot fun. And what a steal on that Lavendar and Lace pattern! Your lucky day.

  10. Great stash, delicious! Enjoy playing with it.

  11. What great stash and a very good deal on your chart! I have been thinking about trying the new Carrie's silk. How do they feel?

  12. Sounds like your new place has become HOME already!

  13. Leave it to you to find a bargain stashing place even in a new location. You are doing great. Have to tell you that we went to Bangor on Saturday with our friends and of course, I couldn't resist adding to my stash at Jo-Ann's Fabrics. Love getting more stash! Like Mother,Like Daughter!

    {{{Love and Hugs to both of you}}}

  14. I can see why you were rolling in your new stash, lol. What a great choice of stitchy things.
    The price for Emma's Garden is such a bargain. Enjoy!

  15. Hey there! I love your blog, I just came across it in a post on 123, I'm glad I found it! I'm also glad you liked the SSS, I'm tickled that you blogged about it!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)