
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dear Secret Santa

I got the most unusual surprise the other day. Mary Kathryn emailed me to say that a Secret Santa had purchased a gift certificate for me from her store! I was completely speechless and even more speechless because I have no idea who this person is. Apparently she is someone who reads my Blog but Mary Kathryn wouldn't say any more than that. Boy, she can keep a secret ;o) LOL!

So Secret Santa, whoever you are, I want to thank you SO MUCH for such a generous gift! Why you chose to send it to me, I have no idea. I wish I knew who you were so I could thank you properly. When my order arrives, I will post a picture so you can see what I bought :o) It was like having Christmas all over again!

I do apologize that it has taken me this long to send out a thank you but I only found out two days ago. Apparently Mary Kathryn had emailed me awhile back but I did not respond. I was having email problems for a few days in December and lost a number of emails so it may have been part of that disaster >:o( I am truly blessed to have such a generous friend out there :o)

I see that I have been given an award as well -


Thank you Erynne :o) I'm very honoured.

So here are the threads attached to receiving this award:

- list five addictions
- name five other Bloggers that are fabulous

Okay, so what am I addicted to... LOL! Well, most of you know ECEs for one ;o) Along with that would be the mail, cross stitch, cleanliness and spending money.

Now this is the part that I hate so please don't feel bad if your Blog is not mentioned because all the Blogs that I have on my Google Reader are fabulous :o) So I send this award, in no particular order, out to -



  1. How nice ! I shop at Mary Kathryn's store and she gives the best service. Looking forward to seeing what you get.

  2. Oooh, lucky you!! What a lovely surprise, you'll have so much fun spending it!! Enjoy!

  3. Well, you are certainly loved by someone. Getting close to Valentine's day. Must be a secret admirer.

    And thanks so much for the blog award!

  4. YOu are as fabulous in yellow than me !!!

    BTW, this time it wasn't me !!! lol enjoy your gift ;-)

  5. That's a great surprise! I'm looking forward to seeing what goodies you get :)

  6. Lucky you to have a Secret Santa.

    With me, I wish I had Samantha's powers to get things done by just wingling my nose. Maybe then, I wouldn't be jealous of you having a Secret Santa.

    {{{Hugs and Love}}}

  7. Of course your blog is fabulous. You're fabulous!

    Enjoy your gift from a very generous someone.

  8. Excuse my tardiness in getting over here to say YOU'RE WELCOME!!!


  9. Ohhhhh ... a Secret Santa? COOL! So, what are you getting from Mary Kathryn???

    How did I miss that you've awarded me this? All I can do is plead tax season brain-deadness. Thanks, Cathey! You know I love your blog!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)