
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

He's Alive!

Last week, I was 'trying' to have a nap when DH burst into the bedroom and announced that he had something big to show me. I thought - this had better be worth waking me up! When I asked him what it was, he wouldn't tell me. Instead he handed me the binoculars. So then I thought - oh cool, it must be a moose or something neat like that! Nope. Well what the heck was so important that he woke a sleeping bear????

As I put the binoculars to my eyes, DH told me where to focus. Lo and behold, I saw just what he was talking about. It was...GEORGE!


I'm not sure if I've mentioned George before or not but he's our resident groundhog :o) He's been around for a few years now. Around dusk, we can sometimes find him grazing on the front lawn. We have no idea where he spends his winters but as soon as spring starts, he eventually shows up. We were beginning to wonder where he was and we were worried that with the flooding, he would move on.

But no, he has come back home :o) I cannot be happier! We're not exactly sure where he's living now because our neighbours put wire along the bottom of their porch and that is where he was staying last year. George is very resourceful though. I think the only reason he has lived this long beside a busy road is that he uses the underground piping system :o) We know it comes out in our ditch but we have no idea where the other end goes to. LOL!

George is not 100% cautious though. Our neighbour caught him lying in the middle of the road last summer. Maybe he was up for some excitement in his life ;o)


  1. OH!! another friendly Boreal creature. Reminds me of "Gopher" from "Winnie The Pooh".

    I have my own little story about how I picked up an unconscious gopher one time at the wise old age of 15. Be careful... they are nasty when conscious, LOL. ;o)

  2. Uh oh, hope George doesn't spend too much time in the middle of the road!

  3. awwww George likes to play chicken does he?

  4. George is living life on the edge, laying in the middle of the road. Crazy groundhog.

  5. Crazy critter! No more roadkill impersonations, George!

  6. I love seeing what wildlife visits other people's backyards - a groundhog is so cool. He's cute! Sure hope he breaks his nasty habbit of lying on the road though.

  7. How cool, I've never seen a real groundhog. You must tell George not to play on the road.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)