
Monday, December 31, 2007

How Do You Measure A Year?

Do you think of it in months or days? Do you go by the seasons or the holidays? Do you use memorable events or do you just conveniently forget?

Luckily, I fall into the forgetting category but not by choice. LOL! As the years go by, I see my memory getting worse and worse. The Fibromyalgia pretty much wiped it out. I think it's a good thing that I Blog now because there are times when I can look back at my writing and go "Oh yeah! I remember now!" ;o)

So that's what I had to do when I needed to look back on the goals that I set last year. LOL! Overall, I don't think that I did too badly. My main goal was to live a better "lifestyle" and lose some weight. Well, I lost weight and I lost two sizes :o) Good for me, not so good for my wardrobe. I am 'trying' to stick to that healthier living but that does waver from time to time. I still can't kick the chocolate and Country Time Lemonade habit ;o)

As far as cross stitch goes, I beat my overall yearend total! That's right :o) Not only did I beat it by one...I beat it by two and then by three for a grand total of 53 projects completed for 2007! I know, you're probably wondering where the pictures are and trust me, they are coming. Now if I look at The 50 Project Challenge that I 'attempted' at the first of last year, most of us know how that went ;o) At least I lasted four months! LOL! I really bombed on sticking to my list as well. There are going to be a few changes for 2008...

This will be my last post for 2007. Hard to believe. Am I happy to see this year come to an end? YES! Am I looking forward to 2008? I'm not sure. I don't even dare to think or guess what 2008 has in store for me. Maybe life will be kind this time around. One can only hope ;o)

So raise your glasses and let's toast to "the end" of 2007!




  1. Happy New Year to you!! My New Year's Resolution is not to make a New Year's resolution other than to try to learn new finishes for smalls like biscornus' fobs, etc. Here's to another year of more and more stash!! I love it!!!! Have a wonderful holiday and thank you for the really nice comments in my blog!!! Debby

  2. Congratulations on completing 53 projects! Very impressive!

    Have a Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year may it be all you want it to be.
    Congratulations on all your projects


  4. Congratulations on your 2007 finishes.
    Happy New Year!!

  5. Happy New Year Cathey

    I like your snowman ;O)

  6. ROFL at the snowman!!

    Happy New Year Cathey!!!!

  7. Happy New Year.

    One of the good things about 2007 was getting to know so many wonderful people through their blogs - you are one of those wonderful people.

  8. Here's hoping, Cathey! Happy New Year!!

  9. Cathey, despite my personal speed bumps in 2007, I wouldn't change it - because it's the year you came into my circle of support and for that, I will be forever grateful!

    You inspire me with your life outlook, your passion for photography and your skill with a needle & piece of floss!


  10. I tend to forget things if they aren't written down too, memory I've found as I get older really does get more selective (or just plan spotty). That's one of the reasons I started blogging and before that keeping a written listing of stitching projects and finishes. Otherwise I'd sit and think I hadn't gotten anything done. Now if I think that I look at my list or blog and I know I really did get something accomplished, which is very encouraging. Hope 2008 is a great year for you.

  11. Congratulations on 53 finishes!! WOW!! That's an incredible number.

    Congrats also on losing weight. I lost 35 pounds last year, and now I have no wardrobe at all. So sad. :) I'm not complaining. And the chocolate habit is unbelievably hard to break--I haven't yet figured out how to do it. If I do, though, I'll let you know.

    Here's to a great 2008!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)