
Friday, February 09, 2007

Road Trip!

We’re going to THE OCEAN! DH and I are going away this weekend! WOOHOO! We are exchanging houses with his parents so that means rest and relaxation for us :o) Their house has an ocean front and it’s nothing short of pure bliss. Ahhhhhhh! Last year I spent quite a bit of time there, while house sitting and it has become my retreat from this hectic and stressful time. There is nothing that I love more than the music of the ocean. It’s so calming to smell the sweet salty air and listen to the waves hit the beach and the calls of the seagulls. Can you tell that I’m really looking forward to this? :o)

I’ve already got my stitching packed and ready to go :o) I’m going to take my Marquoir Sampler and the current little project that I’m doing and that is almost done. I will hopefully have a picture by the first of the week. Last night I finished up with Oak Island for the week and I’m very pleased with the progress I have made. I have the full left side of the pattern complete! I would say that the right side is about 75% complete but I’m not sure just how long it’s going to take me to finish it. I’m aiming for the end of March so we’ll see :o)

I’m not sure if I’ll take my computer with me so you might not hear from me again until the first of the week. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Oh Cathey that sounds devine! The ocean is such a calming and peaceful thing. I think it sounds like the perfect getaway for you right now. Enjoy yourself and take it easy. Hopefully you have lots of stitch time and quiet with your DH.

    I ordered The Night by Passione Ricamo today... I'm so excited to get her.


  2. Have a fantastic weekend! Can't wait to see your stitching progress!!

  3. Have a wonderful relaxing time! I can't wait to see what you got done over the weekend on Monday.

  4. have a lovely time Cathey,
    you are looking forward to the calls of seagulls? lol it drives you mad after a while and when they do target practice on the car everyday the novelty wears very thin ;o). The sound of the waves is very calming and a nice walk along the beach can do wonders. I hope you come back feeling very relaxed

  5. Enjoy your weekend as I slave a way at work! Ha! NO fair!



Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)