
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Nine Down...41 More To Go!

I loved this pattern as soon as I saw it! I have Shannon to blame for this ;o) This is a heart freebie by Sticken-Und-Staunen -

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I used my one and only skein of Dragon Floss (Hugs With Stitches) on a piece of Ginny's Iris by Sassy's Fabrics. I just LOVE the effect! My plan is to make this into an ornament for our spring retreat exchange. I think I'll have to stitch another one for myself though :o) I had picked up some lovely Easter fabric yesterday but when I got it home, it didn't match :o( Oh well. It's got bunnies on it so I'm sure I'll find something to make with it.

I've had a few enquiries on this freebie! I guess I should have mentioned that it was featured on the Caron website. Check it out there :o) Thanks for the wonderful comments everyone!

This past week was not a good one for stitching as my rotation got mixed up. My plan was to move Oak Island to Wednesday and Thursday but so far only Wednesday worked out. I did make some good progress though. I hope to get at least one day this weekend to work on it further. I'm back to stitching on my Marquoir Sampler as well.

I do have a bit of positive news to share with you. I was in contact with my lawyer yesterday and LTD has stated that they want me to see another doctor. Although this does not thrill me to be jumping through more hoops, at least their appeal decision has not ended with a "No" yet. My employer has been notified and I will still have my job until the end of the month but hopefully until the end of the appeal procedure. This has relieved some pressure :o)

I talked to my Dad yesterday and they are still enjoying their time down in Florida. Dad was out playing horseshoes with the boys :o) They really like the area they are in and have already booked a month and a half for next year. Dad wondered why they hadn't done this before. Silly man! I hope they are "enjoying" the warmer weather while we are still digging out of our last snowstorm. LOL!


  1. Cathey,
    the heart is beautiful!!!! Gosh, I think I have that floss & fabric in my stash!!!! I couldn't find the pattern on the webpage. Could you help me out?!?!! Thanks!!!

  2. Gorgeous heart!! That floss is amazing!

  3. what a pretty heart. I wasn't able to find the freebies on the site though. I hope everything goes ok when you go to see the new doctor.

  4. Cathey, I'm quite recent on your blog, and haven't blogged regularly lately, so I don't have any idea what's going on with this doctor. Have you explained it in an earlier post? Which month? I hope it all turns out OK!
    This heart looks gorgeous as you have combined threads and fabric perfectly! Well done!
    Take care, my friend!

  5. Cathey, your heart looks like spring!
    Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)