
Monday, January 22, 2007

Four Down...46 More To Go!

And it's Snowflake that comes in at number four!

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This little guy comes from a kit by Bent Creek. I've had him for a while now and what better time to dig him out :o) Would you believe that I have my next project all kitted up and ready to go in the Q-Snaps tonight????

This past weekend was a pretty good one although DH and I are still in limbo, each awaiting our own separate news. Sigh! On Saturday we went through the house and did a quick cleaning and organizing. DH managed to get out once more on the tractor and plowed out the driveway again. I have to say that winter is finally here. The shack wacky state hit in the afternoon and I made a last minute decision to go out to eat Saturday night. After quite a process of elimination, DH and I finally decided on The Palate. We had a wonderful meal but we behaved ourselves. It's no fun being financially responsible :o( I got the seafood lasagna and it was delicious! Afterwards we ran up to Staples and picked up my new Norton AntiVirus.

On Sunday I woke up to the wonderful scent of banana bread :o) DH was busy in the kitchen and had just baked a loaf along with fresh croissants for breakfast. Yes, I do have it good ;o) My friend from British Columbia called shortly after lunch and we had a good model horse chat. Hi Jana! In the afternoon, DH and I had a rip roaring game of Scrabble and I FINALLY won! Woohoo! It made me feel so smart ;o) During our supper of some hearty chili, make by said wonderful husband, we watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Before we knew it, it was time for bed and another week of work waiting for us :o(

WHY? How is it that weekends go by so fast? Has anyone solved this mystery yet?


  1. I love your latest finish. I am just getting used to having proper weekends now I am not doing shifts LOL not sure I like it yet something to be said about having days off when others are hard at work;-). Waking up to baking banana bread sounds like heaven

  2. Oh that's so cute. Thanks for the support! I do have to say that I think your weekend sounded so great and relaxing. Great job with Scrabble - I always lose. Can I have some banana bread??? Can't we just pretend the weekend wasn't over and skip the "real world."

  3. Oh that little snow guy is adorable! I want him!.. LOL

    Congrats on the finish! Yes those weekends go by so fast! Isnt what they were meant to be... fast?


  4. Congrats on your finish its a cute one. What are you going to be doing next?

  5. That little snowman is soooo cute!! Wow, only 46 left? You'll be done in no time!!

    Mmmmmm, seafood lasagne sounds yummy :)

  6. That little snowman is just so cute!! So, what's next??


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)