
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm Too Sexy For...

My new sweater!!!!

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LOL! So what do you think? Since Brie has been acting like such a brat lately, I was able to get some revenge last night when DH brought home her new sweater :o) A friend of ours makes them and I had brought Brie over to her house to have it custom fit. The problem with having a l-o-n-g dog is that most of the "outfits" out there are way too short. Dachshunds have a very deep chest that narrows quite abruptly at the waist so they are not (or should not be) the same thickness all over. This sweater was long enough but she brought it in at the waist and lengthened it underneath so that it covers most of her hairless tummy. Since Brie is a "girl" doggy, we don't have to worry about the trap door ;o)

Brie is usually quite a ham in front of the camera but she was in no mood last night to be bothered. DH and I worked together to get this shot -

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I still have to get a picture of her in her John Deere outfit but I'll wait to torture her another day ;o)


  1. How adorable is she?! I love her pose :)

  2. Ain't she the sweetest?! And now, I'm singing this crazy song in my head and it won't stop! This post sure is making me laugh and I needed it so thanks a lot!
    Take care!

  3. Brie looks very cute and warm in her new sweater

  4. Oh too sweet. She looks like a lovely ham!

  5. Oh my gosh, that's too cute!!!

  6. Brie looks so cute in her new sweater! She needs to meet our little mini Dachshund, Heidi.

  7. Too cute!!

    I hope you & yours have a wonderfully Merry Christmas & a very Happy New Year!!!

  8. Brie looks adorable in her new Christmas sweater. Good thing she isn't in cold Alberta - with snow way up past our your know what!!

    I love your Christmas tree and as always am envious of all your beautiful stitchery work.

    I had Brody today (he is now 3 1/2) and it was actually sunny and warm enough to go outside of a couple of hours!! He helped Grandma feed her 'little' horse and of course Princess showered him with kisses (they do love each other so!)

    Hoping you have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for the reminder to check your Blog - its a very convenient way to find out what you are up to!!

    take care,

  9. Absolutely adorable ! She looks so cute in that sweater !! :)

  10. How cute! She looks like she just loves it.

  11. Ciao
    adorabile , simpatico

    Buon 2007



Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)