
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

For a number of years now, DH and I have alternatively switched Christmas Eve and Christmas Day between the two families. We used to try and do it all on the same day but it just got to be too much. Two turkey dinners in one day proves to be a very bad idea! LOL! Plus, with my parents now living 45 minutes away and DH's parents living about an hour and a half away, it's just not humanly possible. This year, it was Mom and Dad's turn to have us on Christmas Eve and it worked out very well seeing that it landed on a Sunday.

DH, Brie and I arrived at the lake shortly after lunch. I was quite impressed with Dad's tree, for a second year in a row, as he managed to part with another $20 and buy one from a tree farm again instead of venturing into the woods and coming back with his typical Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Now you may be chuckling at this but I'm very serious. To be truly honest, I think Charlie Brown's tree was actually fuller than some of those that Dad managed to bring home. Let me put it this way, even Brie would have hit a branch if she was thrown through Dad's tree this year ;o)

As predicted, the living room was full of presents. Brie be-lined for them right away and managed to find Duncan's gift but not hers. I think Mom was sneaky this year and put it up where she couldn't find it. Last year Brie was able to pick out her own gift and it was a dog leash, not food! I guess I taught her well as nothing surprises me much anymore. I'm quite good at my PGTs (Present Guessing Techniques) ;o)

Mom put together a scrumptious but elegant Christmas meal. I even ate some of her squish (squash)! I was good and took a little bit of everything, trying not to overload on one thing more than another. DH's plate needed sideboards but the boy can take all that food and not have to face the consequences afterwards :o) The meal was topped off with our traditional family dessert, Jell-O Squares. It's nice and light and the perfect ending to a huge meal. We've had this in our family for as long as I can remember and it wouldn't be a Christmas meal without it :o) If anyone is interested, here is the recipe -

Jell-O Squares

1/2 cup melted butter or margarine
2 1/2 cups graham wafer crumbs
1 1/4 cups boiling water
3 oz (85 g) package of Strawberry Jell-O
pinch of salt
250 ml whipping cream
1 cup icing sugar

Add melted butter to graham wafer crumbs and mix well. Keep aside about 1 cup for topping and press the remaining mixture into a 9 x 11 pan.

Add salt to the package of Jell-O and pour in the boiling water, mixing well. Place in fridge too cool to an egg white consistency.

Mix whipping cream and icing sugar until cream is whipped. Add it to the Jell-O mixture and mix well. Pour onto wafer crumb base and sprinkle on wafer crumb topping. Place in fridge to set, about three hours. Keep refrigerated.

If you have any questions, I might be able to answer them :o)

After dinner it was present time! Woohoo! And believe me, I wasn't the only kid there ;o) Between Mom and Brie, there was a huge tie, lol! As usual, DH and I were spoiled but everything will be put to good use. The neatest thing I got was a 1GB Verbatim U3 Smart Drive from Dad. What a cool gadget! It's got this neat picture software on it and it will definitely come in handy when sorting and storing my many pictures. It's also got an email program but I'll need to spend more time with that before I get brave enough to try it :o) I couldn't believe it but I also got some stash this year! I got two sets of DMC floss (66 skeins in total) and a 2-meter piece of moss green Monk's Cloth for my next Swedish Weaving project. Again, very spoiled indeed!

Mom was very touched by the pillow I stitched up by Pine Mountain Designs -

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Dad was pretty pleased with his new John Deere tractor that I stitched as well -

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More than likely, it will go down in their bedroom along with the antique John Deere tractor seat that we got him last year :o)

Brie was like a mad dog, helping DH and I open our gifts, and it didn't stop until she got her own gift. It goes to show you just how smart she really is :o)

DH, Brie and I left Mom and Dad's at a reasonable time and when we got home, I was pretty much ready for bed but..."apparently" Santa arrived while we were out and there was a box waiting for me under the tree. Now this was a definite no-no as DH and I agreed not to do anything for each other this year. I quickly unwrapped it and inside the box was a beautiful, soft pair of penguin fleece pajamas! The funny part was...I quickly explained to DH that I had bought "him" something and that it was hiding under the couch so I had easy access to it on Christmas morning. His answer..."I know." You see, DH thought it was a great idea to hide "my" gift under the couch as well (for easy access) and came across the wrapped gift that I had hidden there :o) Can you see how much we think alike???? Scary! LOL!

Since I was wide-awake by this point, I thought I might as well open the rest of the gifts under the tree :o) I have some wonderful friends and each gift they send me is special. I was tickled pink with one in particular though. It came from my good friend in British Columbia -

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It's a little Norwegian Fjord pin and I just adore it! It reminds me so much of the Fjord ponies that we used to have, Princess in particular. This is one item I will treasure dearly :o)

A big THANK YOU to all!

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