Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Big 1-0!

My boy hit the two digit mark on Sunday when he turned 10 months old! I can't believe how fast he's growing.

 photo TenMonthsOld.jpg

Couldn't you just kiss those cheeks? Not the greatest picture because it's been cloudy here lately and the light hasn't been very good. I had to tweak the picture a bit. Little man was good though and cooperated for Mommy :o)

This morning, Junior had another tooth pop out so we're at number seven. Eight shouldn't be too far behind. At least I hope not because he's been extra crabby lately but who can blame him. It's like we're living with a rodent though. He chews everything he can get his teeth on! The side of his crib looks like a beaver took to it >:o(

I suspect we'll have a walker on our hands pretty soon. Junior LOVES to be on his feet! At every opportunity, he'll grab hold of your fingers and walk around the house. That little behind of his is so cute. LOL!

Would you believe that he received his first Valentine's Day card???? From a 4-year-old no less! I'm going to be swinging the broom in order to get all the girls off my doorstep. Who could resist that handsome devil though? ;o)



Annie said...

He's such a sweetheart. Love that argyle!

Denise said...

Can he get any cuter? What a big boy and 7!

Catherine said...

Oh those cheeks!! What a handsome boy!!!

dixiesamplar said...

What a handsome young man you have, Cathey! And just look at those dimples :-)

Annette said...

What a cutie.. Your boy is getting so big.. and so fast..
I feels like yesterday you told you got a baby boy!!
When he goes walking put everthing away.. nothing is safe anymore!!!
Enjoy your sweet boy.

many strenght wishes to you..


Christina said...

I love how you've taken the photos in the same position could do a flick book of Junior's growth! Lol. He is one seriously handsome chap.

Vickie said...

Oh so very precious. You have much to be proud of! I am praying for you.

Unknown said...

I finally figured out how to sign in again...LOL older woman already!! You better get that broom ready....ALL the girls will be after that cutie!!!
He's adorable....I love his sweet smile!!
Take care...say hi to your mom for me, and maybe the 3 of us can meet up!!!!

PS...Glad your package gave you a chuckle!

Alberta said...

I ♥ love ♥ his monthly updates! He's a sweetheart for sure. As he gets more anxious he may be less content to sit for his portrait!


Cath said...

He has such a gorgeous smile, who could resist those dimples ?
Lovely pic. Ho[e you are doing ok .XXX

cucki said...

Aww so cute x

Mouse said...

awwwww he is gorgeous but then we are biased
and teeth are a pain coming when got and when we lose them too

don't forget to move all precious things higher when he does start to walk as they now will be in getting distance
and way to go getting a valentines card Junior :) love mouse xxxxx

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I could just eat him up! such a cutie!

Linda said...

He is such a little cutie. Love those dimples.


Katie said...

Uh Oh, someone beat Lily to the punch! she's going to be so disappointed.

diamondc said...

Love the cheeks what a charmer.

~*Sharee*~ said...

What a little baby doll...:) he's growing up so fast hun...

Hugs, Shar

Christina said...

Great picture.

MaryO said...

He is soooooooo handsome! Such a heartbreaker! luv.MaryO

Gabi said...

What a handsome young boy and his smile! Show me the one who can resist him LOL.
Take care!
Warm greetings

Valma said...

already 10 !! wow
for sure, Fairies had a look over his crib 10 months ago
Your little guy is over cute and his smile makes us wanting to smile
big hugs to you both

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Oh my gosh, he is just too adorable! Happy Valentine's Day!

Lainey said...

What a cutie pie!

Happy Valentines Day x

Marie said...

Absolutely adorable! Makes me miss those baby years (20 years ago for me).

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family!

Julie said...

Only 1 valentine card, i'm surprised he didn't get a whole sackful, he's adorable!

Shelly said...

He is such a cute little guy! I see lots of Valentine cards in his future!

WendyCarole said...

Happy ten month anniversary. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. He is so cute.

Maggee said...

It's the dimples! They are chick magnets!! Hugs!

Gert said...

Oh my he is so handsome! I love this picture...he sat so good for you! I'm always amazed at all those kids were a year old (50 years ago) when they got their first tooth!! lol

Hope you are doing okay..I think of you and pray for you often....


Melanie said...

Oh so cute!!!!!!!!!!! What a GREAT picture of him. He's a little ham. Love it. :)

Brigitte said...

Oh my, so many teeth already. No wonder that he was a little bit crabby lately. Thanks for sharing this lovely picture of your little sweetie.

♥ Nia said...

sooooooo cute!! Can you imagine how it will be when he grows up? ohhh so many broken hearts =) hehheheeh

Rita said...


Anne said...

He's ADORABLE!! Love those little dimples in his cheeks. Such a happy fella isn't he?!

Sharon said...

Look at that smile! He is so adorable Cathey!

Carol said...

I know I'm very late with Junior's 10 month birthday wishes, but I'm sending him a big hug and kiss. All of a sudden he is looking more like a little boy to me and less like a baby!! He is just the sweetest :)

Tatkis said...

He is so sweet! Happy littly guy :)
Be prepared to meet many girls charmed by him soon ;)


Lynn said...

Every time I see him he gets cuter!
The dimples get me every time! I'm afraid you're right. The girls are going to be swarming around him and at the rate he's growing, it won't be long.

Rachel S-H said...

he is such a handsome big boY