Thursday, January 17, 2013

Finishes Five & Six For 2012

I've got a few moments while Junior is passed out in his crib. The kid is exhausted! From the sounds of it last night, I thought he was having a party in his room. Maybe he was... LOL!

I thought I should start posting pictures of my finishes from last year before 2014 rolled around ;o) I have lots to show you as it seems I was very bad at keeping up with my show & tell.

Finish five is called Quilt Patch Heart by Handblessings -


This was a freebie and I stitched it last February when I was in my Valentine's Day kick :o) Unfortunately it has not been made into a pillow as I was hoping but maybe someday soon. I changed the colors on this one but I can't remember to what. D'oh! I know I used DMC. HA!

Finish six is by The MonkeyWorks and it's called Be My Sweet Heart -


I used the colors that were called for and at first I thought they were horrible! That was until I found some fabric that was a perfect match. Again, my intentions were to sew this into a little pillow... I stitched this one on 36 count linen.

Sorry the pictures are so bad! We finally had some snow last night and it's overcast today. I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my stitching and I promise I'll be back soon with some more :o)



Catherine said...

Very cute!

Vickie said...

Praying for you Cathey! Thanks for sharing your pretty stitching.♥

Cole said...

They look great!

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Super cute finishes, Cathey!

Annie said...

Nice stitching. Love that heart.

Alberta said...


Love seeing your finishes :)

Tracey said...

Love them both! :-) Thanks for sharing your finishes... it's always exciting to finish something, no matter what the size. Plus it means, that we get to start something new!

Sending hugs and positive thoughts... take care...

dixiesamplar said...

Oh, how lovely, Cathey!

I just got caught up on your last post and am so sorry to hear that things haven't gone the way we all hoped...but, please hang in there my friend; it will turn around soon. I am praying and thinking of you daily and send hugs your way. You are a strong woman and have so much to fight for...and we are with you in spirit. Wishing you the best always!

cucki said...

So sweet x

Anonymous said...

You crack me up. Junior passed out in his crib and partying in his room. So cute!

Your finishes look great. I love those colors.

Cath said...

Pretty finishes . Hope Junior keeps his partying down for a while for you ,lol.X

Linda said...

Great finishes Cathey. I love the heart one.


WendyCarole said...

Great stitching. Weh ave snow too.

Annette said...

Thinking off you! ♥
What a beautifull pieces you made.. really wonderfull

Mary Ann said...

Both are very pretty finishes!!

Tatkis said...

Lovely finishes!


Maggee said...

You are in my heart and prayers! I really like that MonkeyWorks one! Too cute! If you need help me... Hugs!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Very pretty and nice. LOL on Junior and the crib party!

Valma said...

for sure we enjoyed seeing some of your stitchings =)
'be my sweet heart' is really sweet !
Hope you can make the pillows soon =)
Both are very pretty
little things are always cute =D
Big hugs for you and Junior

Chris said...

Lovely finishes!

Rita said...

NIce finishes!

Patty C. said...

Beautiful colors ;)

Julie said...

the Monkeyworks is a very pretty design.

Marie said...

It is always so nice to be able to post those finishes...Congrats, they both look great!

♥ Nia said...

I thought it was your 6th finish from 2013 already!! heheheheh
Lovely finishes sweetie =) I want to see more!! :D

Dani - tkdchick said...

Those are lovely finishes.

Anne said...

Such pretty finishes Cathey!! I hope you are okay and I'm thinking and praying for you.



Carol said...

Another pair of cute finishes--I really love the second one! Have never heard of MonkeyWorks before--will have to check them out :)

Hope you are having a good week, dear friend...

Anne said...

You are really quite on a roll!! love finding great freebies to stitch! Very nice Valentine stitches!!