Saturday, January 28, 2012

Halloween Rules SAL - January Progress

Now that my 2011 stitching is behind me, I can finally share with you what I'm stitching on at the moment. I'm not sure if you remember or not but I mentioned that Nia and I would continue with another SAL this year. We had so much fun with Christmas Rules by Lizzie Kate that we decided to stitch Halloween Rules together :o)

So here is January's progress; the header and the first block -


I'm stitching mine on 32 count Lilac linen with the recommended threads and I just love it! Luckily these threads have a lot of variegation so they're really showing up nicely.

I did run into a problem but thankfully it was early in the game. I had to frog the grass under the gravestones because I thought they were supposed to be stitched in Blackbird. When I printed out the border, the symbols didn't come out very clear but I should have known Moss made more sense ;o) It helps to refer to the colored picture from time to time. Lesson learned!


Jeanne said...

I love your new SAL! I have this all kitted up to start soon I hope - a friend and I at work are both doing it. It looks really cute on the Lilac linen. I have the recommended mocha linen but not sure if I will change it out or not. I did Xmas Rules last year - they are such fun and go fairly quickly.

Julie said...

Great SAL design, it's stitching up lovely.

cucki said...

very lovely sal and great progress..
big hugs cucki xxx

Linda said...

Great start on Halloween Rules. I love the lilac fabric. I too have this in my stash. Started Xmas Rules last year, but didm't get very far.


Lesleyanne said...

Great progress. Love the lilac linen. Look forward to seeing your progress through the year on Halloween Rules.

Stitchabilities said...

Lovely Look forward to seeing this progress

Kalu V said...

loooove the fabric choice !! it looks great so far!!
Ive had these in my stash forever! but dont want to start on any more flip its until I finish the ones im working on =( ..but maybeeee O=]


Myra said...

Whooo hooo! Another Halloween Rules stitcher - yours is looking great.

Nancy said...

It is looking great. Looking forward to seeing your progress on this. I am thinking of doing this one eventually also.

Mouse said...

ooooo looks fab on that fabric :) well done that lass :) love mouse xxxx

Gert said...

You do such lovely work... what is SAL?? I follow you, but sorry I don't know what that stands for. Now will all your projects be Halloween ones?

Have a blessed Sunday..
xoxo Gert

Christine S said...

Great start! L*K does such a great job with these designs.

Christina said...

Great job on your SAL, can't wait to see the progress on it. Hope you and the little one are doing well.

Deborah said...

Great start! Love the fabric color.

valerie said...

Great start on Halloween Rules! I like how it looks on the lilac linen.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Well you have been a busy girl!

Carol said...

You and Nia always pick the cutest projects! Great start on this one, Cathey (maybe you should work ahead and get all 12 done before the little one arrives!!)...

Hope you're feeling well!

Daffycat said...

Oh, this is darling! I really like the moon's varigations in color. Nice job!

Rachel S-H said...

Great progress!

Alberta said...

Love the beginning of this...I think there'll be lots of cuteness to smile about!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Adorable! What a great start you have and all done with month 1 before the end of the month! Yeah for you!!!

diamondc said...

Your stitch-along looks wonderful how much fun you must be having.

Cindy said...

Love it! You're off to a great start...looking forward to seeing this one progress :)

TammyK said...

I love this cute design. Great start. Looking forward to watching it grow :-)

♥ Nia said...

Uhuuuu!! :D Looks so pretty!!
I finished mine last night.. ufff! It was close to the end of the month :p But I did it! :) eheheheh

It's funny how our pieces will never look the same hehehe threads make them unique :D I can see it on the pumpkin, on the moon and the darker gravestones. Both our wips look different!
I didn't stitch the place where it has the button (dog).. should I stitch that in black?! hum... now I think I should :p heheheh

Have a great week sweetie!! :D

Annette said...

Congratz on finishing the first monthly piece... Beautifull..
Also on that fabric... have fun with the next... February is in a few days!!

Tatkis said...

New great start! Good luck with this cute SAL :)


Leslie said...

Horray for halloween!!! It is going to look great. I love the last piece with the penquin and showman. Enjoy your day.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

That is such a cute design!! I used to be huge into L*K but kind of moved away from it, but the Christmas Rules and Halloween Rules are just so cute that I might have to cave. I love it on the lilac!

Sally said...

Love how this is looking! It's so cute!

Stitching Noni said...

What a great start! Well done. Even though you & Nia are stitching the same design you will both have very unique completed projects. Look forward to the next update!