Monday, May 23, 2011


I know I've been MIA again... Once my parents left, I tried to catch up with my Blog reading and emails but I just couldn't Blog myself. It's been wet and cold here so very depressing and hard to get excited about too much :o(

I did hit the jackpot last week though! My friend K and I went out and had a girl's day out :o) Much needed, let me tell you. Anyway, she wanted to go to this craft place because she'd never been there before. I knew the place well because I had scored some cross stitch magazines there last year so I was all for it.

Just look at what I brought home -


- one hardcover Leisure Arts Christmas book
- one foreign cross stitch magazine (looks like it's from France?)
- six Just Cross Stitch magazines
- one For The Love Of Cross Stitch magazine
- two Better Homes & Gardens cross stitch magazines
- one Crazy For Cross Stitch Magazine
- one The Cross Stitcher magazine


- seven Cross Country Stitching magazines
- four Cross Stitch & Country Crafts magazines
- two Stitcher's World magazines


- Stoney Creek pattern book
- Letter Snow! Letter Snow! Letter Snow! by Hillside Samplings
- Gift Of Peace by Lavender & Lace
- six patterns by Homespun Collectibles

And only for $8! Needless to say, I was one Happy Stitcher :o)

I also picked up a pattern called Green Gables Sampler by Charland Designs -


I thought it was a TIAG pattern when I picked it up. So my loss is your gain ;o) If you would like a chance at winning this chart, please leave a comment on THIS post only along with a means of getting a hold of you if you do win. That's it! Easy peasy :o)

Since I've been away for so long, I have lots to share so stay tuned for more...


Marjorie said...

You got ALL that for $8?! Why can't I find a place like this?

Michelle said...

Now thats my kind of day out - glad you had such fun and your new stash is lovely. I would love a chance at your giveaway, My e-mail address is over on my blog x

Anonymous said...

You have to tell me where this store is!! Well done

WendyCarole said...

what bargains you got

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

What a haul! You will have plenty to keep u busy for a long while! No need to throw my name in the hat for the pattern.... I think I might have it.
sounds like u he'd a much needed, fun day!

Annie said...

Well that's quite shopping trip. Tell us more about this stitcher's paradise!

Kathy A. said...

Oh wow - that is some find.

Green Gables is a famous childhood story house in Prince Edward Island. I have visited there several times. I would love the chanche to wint his pattern.

Daffycat said...

Wow ~ $8 stash bonanza! That looks like a fab store to shop at. Have fun playing with it!

Tatkis said...

Wow, what a great day out :))))
Congrats with all those magazines - I couldn't resist buying them anytime!!


Denise said...

Great find for 8.00, enjoy your new stash.
Would love a chance to win this chart. My email is on my blog
Thank you

Karen said...

Oh my goodness... you did hit the jackpot! Looks like you will be set for stitching for quite some time.

happy stitching...hoping the weather improves soon....

Myra said...

Wow! You made out like a bandit!

Mary Ann Tate said... had a lucky shopping day:) Please put me in your draw. Thanks.


And This Little Pig said...

Whoa, now if only we had craft stores like that here downunder (Adds another pro to the list for that visit to Canada) What great additions to your stash!

Green Gables, as in Ann of Green Gables... definitely count me IN!!

LiBBiE in Oz

Rita said...

WOW! Great stashing!

♥ Nia said...

* Nia faints * LOL :D
Lucky girl!! But now you have so many new magazines.. humm.. it looks like your mojo won't resist to come back ;) heheheh

Stitchabilities said...

What a bargain!!

Melanie said...

Holy CRAP!
Go you. :)

Rhona said...

Please take me with you the next time you go shopping! Great bargain - enjoy!

Veronica said...

O.o that's a lot of stuff for $8. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

All that for $8!!!?? You are one lucky stitcher!

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Wow, lucky you!!

Patty C. said...

I think I would have needed to be sedated after the magazines alone - Great stash !!

Please include me in the chart Giveaway - I can't say I have ever seen that one but I love alphabets

Artemania said...

HI Cathey
You're very lucky. Here in Portugal we don't have that kind of magazines. (hihihi I don't spend money).

Frances said...

WOW! I want to go shopping with you sometime! You know how to get a great deal!!! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I like the alphabet chart and it looks like it would be a fun stitch! Thank you!

Lisa said...

Wow, what a fabulous haul of stash you got there, I'd be in heaven if whe had somewhere near here like that!