Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Christmas Rules SAL Block Four

Yippee skippy...block four of Christmas Rules is done!


I truly missed stitching on this project for the remainder of March. Come to think about it, I wasn't really that smart this month either because now I have almost another four weeks before I can stitch on this again ;o) LOL! Here is what the whole thing looks like -


I wonder how Nia is coming along :o)

I've had a few people ask how I'm doing so I thought I should probably update you. I saw my doctor and as far as he's concerned, it's my Fibro that's been acting up :o( He did order a blood test for Rheumatoid Arthritis but he doesn't think I have it. He gave me a new prescription for my Tylenol 3 with Codeine because my other one was from 2008 (I think) so its kick was pretty much gone. I can honestly say that one of the new pills doesn't really do anything for the pain either :o(

Thankfully the pain has subsided but there are days, like today, when I can feel it in my knees and elbows. Not fun. I also got some new medication for my migraines and although it seems to work like a charm without knocking me out, the prescription is pretty expensive! Just to give you an idea, six pills cost us $22 and that was 'with' coverage. Oye!

I can definitely say that I am truly blessed by wonderful friends though and that has kept my spirits up during this time :o) At the first of the week, I received a package of charts and floss from one of my Stalkers -


Colleen (no Blog) is from my home province of NB and has been reading my Blog for awhile now. She did a RAK and I couldn't be more thrilled! Thank you again Colleen! You are too kind and just know this stash went to a good home. A thank you will be sent out soon ;o)

Then yesterday I picked up another parcel and this was something I wasn't expecting. When I read the return address and saw that it was from Tina, I wondered what she was up to... Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and found this -


ROFL!!!! Tina sent me a package of ECEs and Milka cream filled eggs (they even come with little tiny spoons!). Apparently she thought she could convert me... I'm sorry to say Tina but it didn't work :o( I guess I'm just an ECE girl at heart ;o) Thank you so much for the thoughtful package though. It really did put a much needed smile on my face!


Teresa said...

Nice packages. Today I was in a shop and saw Sabrina done. I thought she was beautiful from you pictures but up close she is amazing. You are doing a wonderful job.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Karen said...

Hope you feel better soon! Great packages of goodies....

happy stitching....

Annie said...

What good friends you have. It's nice to get something fun when you aren't feeling too chipper.

Your LK is looking great!

Hope those aches and pains stay under control.

Patty C. said...

What a nice stalker :)

Your LK is coming along nicely !!!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Christmas Rules is really sweet! I'm sorry you're still not feeling well - I can't imagine that living with pain on a pretty regular basis is a very easy thing to do. I hope you'll feel better, soon!

Great packages - even if you weren't converted!

♥ Nia said...

Beautiful... like mine!! :D hahahah
You'll see mine soon, very soon ;)

Nothing better than having friends making us smile when we're having bad days. Friends are "happy pills" :D

Angela said...

One of my friend's suffers from Fibro as well and you know I have the nerve damage in my side which is sort of the same but in just one area, have you ever tried Lyrica? My friend is feeling much better after a few months on it and only has the occassional bad day now. I take the older version of the drug Neurontin and without it I would be in extreme pain all the time. Tylenol 3's did nothing for me, I had to upgrade to Percocet and used to take them religiously every 4 hours but now with the Neurontin I only take them very occasionally. On a side note both medications are also Migraine preventatives and I have definitely noticed a dramatic difference in the severity of those too.

Oh is that migraine medicene Imitres or Maxalt? Maxalt cost me $12.00 for 6 tablets and that was at 95% coverage :) I take it only when it is absolutely necessary!

Wonderful gifts and love the LK Xmas Rules.

Take care :)

Stitching Noni said...

Lucky lady... your surprise packages are great! It's nice getting surprises in the mail specially when you're feeling a bit off...

Christmas rules is looking really fabulous - well done!

I do feel for you with your Fibro - I have Rhuematiod Athritis but luckily haven't had any serious issues with it for the last 11 years... Hope the new pills do kick in soon and give you some relief. I have recently started wearing a magnetic haematite necklace and I think that is helping with the shoulder pain that I do still get.

Take care

valerie said...

Your Christmas Rules looks great! And the RAKs are wonderful! My favorite are the caramel eggs. Yummo!

yuli-prezent said...

Christmas rules are very nice) Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks a lot for your lovely comment:)

Melanie said...

Such great packages!!!!
I hope you feel better soon. That is just crazy, those prices!! And here I was thinking it was America that had cornered the market on highway robbery for prescription drugs. Ouch. :(

I really *do* have to stitch that Christmas rules one day. It's just so flipping cute.

Sylvia said...

Oh, its good to have such kind stalkers - nice loot!

Sorry you have been struggling with health stuff. BTW my daughter can take certain prescription pain killers without it making a dent in her pain. I spoke with the doc, and he said that a good % of people metabolize it in such a way that it is ineffective. You just have to find the one that works for you.

Lesleyanne said...

Great progress on your L*K - I love seeing your progress every month. Hope you feel better soon. Great new stash and packages received.

Sharon said...

Lovely finish and such great packages. I hope you are feeling better!

Carol said...

Those are the kind of stalkers every stitcher likes to have :) What a great bunch of charts from Colleen--I'm sure you'll be stitching the Trilogy bunny one very soon!

Love the latest "rule" Cathey--the whole piece looks great. I do hope you start feeling better very soon. Living with chronic pain must be truly exhausting--I can't even imagine...

Tracey said...

Love the colours in Christmas Rules (it looks awesome with your blog background!). Lucky you with all of those goodies... Enjoy!! :^)

Crazee4books said...

Hi Cathey,

DO the SAL police show up at your
door and drag you away if you do
a bit more stitching on a project
past the agreed upon time limit or
designated section?? I need to
know since I'm about to start my
first SAL and I suspect that
keeping my hands off of it is
going to be difficult.

Meanwhile, Christmas Rules
continues to look fabulous
and I still have an incredible
urge to stitch this. What is
it about Lizzie Kate designs??
They are so simple, but so
wonderful, colourful and

Holy Crumbs!! Look at all
those wonderful charts plus
skeins of lovely threads.
What a fantastic RAK to
receive from a truly generous

And of course the box of
Easter Creme Eggs and Milka
eggs is the perfect treat
to receive at this time of
year. Although I must
confess that I've never heard
of those Milka eggs before.

I'm a purist myself in that
I adore chocolate but prefer
it plain, without cremes or
fillings of any sort.

I'm glad that the medication
for your migraines is working
really well, although the
cost might just trigger pain
of another sort. I really
hope that you don't have
Rheumatoid Arthritis although
the Fibro is bad enough.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the Tylenol 3 w Codeine doesn't have enough kick for your pain.:( What a fantastic RAK package! I was planning to stitch Happy Bunny Bunny day this month as an Easter present to myself until I remembered I have other smalls I want/need to finish. How do people ever run out of stitching ideas? I can't imagine. ;)

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Sorry to hear about the health problems. :( I hope you're able to get relief. Beautiful RAK package!

Lovely progress on your L*K!

Julie said...

Christmas Rules in looking wonderful

Super gifts from your friends

Fibro is not a nice illness, my DH has that so i sympathise with the meds not working for you

Justflo said...

Lovely stitching. It's a real fun design that I think I may just have to get.

Really hope your health gets a good shake up and comes out better.

What brilliant surprise packages to receive that must have cheered you up.

Sue said...

Sorry you haven't been feeling well and hope you'll start to feel better.
I love Christmas Rules, the colors (and stitching) are so pretty.
Love the RAK you received, very sweet of her.

Marina NOSTROMO said...

Very beautiful embroidery, and fine packages! I wish great health and no pain!
Regards, Marina.

mumzy said...

Lucky you, you always receive such nice packages. You did a great job on your stitching project.

So sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Wish I could help you.

{{{Love and Big Hugs}}}

Valerie said...

I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I do hope the new (and expensive!) meds help.

The RAK that you have received are lovely...aren't we lucky to meet such wonderful people in Blogland?

L*K Christmas Rules is coming along...hey, who says you can't steal a few stitches here before next month?

Hope you are feeling better...

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

Love your blog. Just became a follower!!!

Feathers in the Nest