Monday, March 07, 2011

Stitchy Kitty SAL Week Four

No, you're not missing anything ;o) There wasn't a progress picture for Week Three because I didn't have anything to show. Bad, I know! But today I'm happy to show you what's been done since last time -


Chilly is complete! Well, Chilly himself that is. LOL! I just have the border and snowflakes left to stitch. Woohoo! I'm almost done :o)

My dad saw me working on Chilly last month when we met up in Moncton and he commented that his hat seemed to be quite long for such a little snowman -


He's right in a sense but that was probably the best part to stitch. Of course, looking at Chilly right now without any snowflakes buttons to hold, it looks like he should be cupping some snowboobs. ROFL! Good thing Chilly is a guy ;o)


Ranae said...

I love his stocking hat, he's so adorable

Tracey said...

How very cute is Chilly- with his "I heart snow" written on his hat. Don't forget to post him again once his buttons are in place :^)... (thanks for the chuckle!)

Kristina said...

oh that is just too darn cute!

Annie said...

He looks so cute. Your Dad is obviously not a stitcher or he'd understand why it's so much more fun to do the colorful parts.

Kat said...


Looks like a fun stitch!


Valerie said...

Snowboobs...hahahahaha!! Even with the missing snowflake buttons he is cute!

Lesleyanne said...

Chilly is very cute.

Christina said...

Chilly's gorgeous! I have the 3 snow fellas in my stash - you've reminded me just how much I need to stitch them!!!

Danielle said...

Very cute!

mumzy said...

I am glad Chilly is a guy snowman. However, he is still very adorable and sooo cute. Good job!

{{{Hugs and Love}}}

Karen said...

oh he is fun

CalamityJr said...

Chilly is adorable - and he needs that long hat because of how cold this winter has been!

Deborah said...

Very cute!

Unknown said...

So cute!!!!!! I love it!!!!

Rachel S-H said...

He is just plain adorable.

Irene said...

Chilly is so cute !

Myra said...

Snowboobs! LOL Chilly is way cool. ;o)

Lainey said...

Snowboobs...ROFL. Isn;t he just darling!!!

Karen said...

LOL! He is just too cute.

Christine S said...

That is really adorable!

♥ Nia said...

hahahah snowboobs!! LOL :D
Chilly looks so adorable!!! =)
Happy Women's Day ฦช(ห†◡ห†)สƒ*

Carol said...

I think that has to be the longest hat I've ever seen on a snowman. Chilly is adorable, Cathey--love his colors :)

Tatkis said...

Oh, I love Chilly :)) he is adorable!


Melanie said...

Did someone say BUTTONS? *blink*
I have a lot of teeny buttons but no snowflake ones. Maybe I should remedy that. Hmmm.

I'm loving this piece so much as you go along that I just had to buy it for myself this week. TRUE STORY.

Blu said...

He's adorable! Although I could have done without the snowboobs (specially since I can't stop seeing them).