Thursday, February 17, 2011

Third Finish For 2011

I'm so happy to share another completed project with you and this one is even finished-finished ;o) As you know, February is not my favourite month so in light of this, I decided I would 'try' and have a more positive attitude. Since we don't really celebrate Valentine's Day at our house (because every day is Valentine's Day here!), I could never recall ever stitching something for this so-called holiday

So last week I dug around in my stash and came up with a kit by Pine Mountain Designs. This is February Is Sweet -


Really, quite cute :o) Yes, I'm three days late (I have a good excuse) and yes, I did cheat because it came with the pre-finished pillow sham. LOL! But...I did make my own pillow insert! This in turn will work with any other similar sized Pine Mountain Designs kit I acquire down the road.

I did change one thing; instead of using three strands of floss, I used four. I find it covers better on 10 count fabric. I only ran out of one colour (DMC 963) but that was an easy fix. There are two things that I detest about these kits, it's almost impossible to use Q-Snaps so I have to stitch in-hand. My joints 'do not' like this :o( Two, the 10 count Tula that they use; it seems to be too soft and stretchy and because I can't use my Q-Snaps, it takes extra effort to get my tension just right.

I officially had this project done on February 15 but due to an unexpected death in the family (my side this time), DH and I had to take off to NB again :o( D was one of Dad's cousins but I had known him since I was a little girl. I would visit their farm with my grandparents and play with the cows. I remember one time I was in the barn and stuck my head through a feed window. The cow on the other side decided that was a good time to do the same thing! The next thing I know, the head of the cow comes up, hitting me under the chin and sending my head up, cracking on the top of the window. There were stars in the sky and tears in my eyes let me tell you! LOL!

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, it was nice to see most of my relatives from that line of the family. But two funerals in two months are enough for me :o( See, February was half over and it all went splat! Like most of you said, at least it's a short month. Unfortunately not short enough for me! At least I wasn't the gentleman that had been to four funerals in two weeks and still had one left to go to. Oye!

Well, DH and I just got home from the Antarctic so I have a lot of catching up to do! It's SO nice to be back in God's country again ;o) Stayed tuned because I'll have updated pictures of Chilly and Sabrina coming up soon.


Linda said...

That is so cute. Great job.

Tatkis said...

Oh, Cathey, it's soooo cute and romantic! Lovely pillow!
Sorry about your family loss...


WendyCarole said...

it's a lovely pillow.

BrendaS said...

Cute, Cute finish!

Sorry about the loss of your family member.

Paisley said...

Super cute pillow, Cathey!

valerie said...

Cute pillow! Sorry about your loss. I don't know what it is but there seems to be lot of unfortunate circumstances lately. I know of 7 losses in the last 8 weeks in my coworker/friends circle. It's all very sad.

Lany Meireles said...

Hola querida,

Lamento mucho por la perdida de tu familiar......
Sobre tu almohada esta preciosa....
Y sobre el premio que te he dado, no te preocupes, que es tuyo, y no se lo voy a dar a nadie...y muchas gracias por tu sinceridad, aunque no lo pongas en tu blog, te lo mereces, porque me gusta mucho tu blog....


Alberta said...

I'm sorry to hear of your recent loss. It was nice that you could travel for the service.

You did a wonderful job n the Feb pillow!

Patty C. said...

Sorry for your loss
Glad you are back in home :)

Cindy's Stitching said...

very cute pillow. sorry about the deaths in the family. we will all go one day. The story about the cow is cute. Take with you the good memories of the people who moved on.

Annie said...

Cute stitching that could cheer up anybody after those sad events.

Laura said...

Sorry for your loss, Cathey. Your story reminded me that my grandfather used to take me to a dairy farm when I was very little and I would hide my face in his coat because I didn't like the smell of the cows!

Cute finish. Hang in there, the month is almost over.

Irene said...

Cute pillow ! To me Valentine's day is my Dad's b'day and even with him gone I still think of it that way. Sorry for your family's loss.

Ranae said...

Pretty sweet pillow
So sorry for your loss.
That little barn story reminds me of one of mine.

Carol said...

What a darling pillow, Cathey! I'm surprised you didn't make the little heart out of Cadbury Eggs rather than Hershey Kisses :)

Don't worry, only 12 days left in February--hopefully March will be a happier month for you. Your dad's cousin sounds like a very special man... Nice to have such fond memories of him.

Deborah said...

Cute pillow! Sorry about your loss.

Hillery said...

Love the pillow, Cathey. I have the January one that I won from a giveaway. I was thinking of not doing it in a pillow form but a smaller ornament. I haven't been doing any stitching lately as I have been on a crocheting kick. I think when the weather warms up, I will put down the heavy yarn and pick up a needle and fabric. I see your Water for Elephants count down. I read that book a few years ago. I didn't know they were coming out with a movie. I'll have to see that one.

Denise said...

I knew those Pine Mtn patterns looked good! Yours looks excellent!

Sorry to hear about your family loss. Two in one month - that sucks!

Good to hear your are back in your own home and stitching something!

Karen said...

Well...that is just too cute. So sorry for the loss in your family.

Hope you find some good stitching time this weekend...stay warm.

Sylvia said...

Totally cute pillow - three finishes so far... wohoo way to go!

Sorry about your loss.

Brigitte said...

Such a nice pillow. I love the finishing very much.

Melanie said...

So sorry to hear about your family member. *hugs*

The pillow is adorable.

Rachel S-H said...

My condolences. Your finish is very pretty.

TammyK said...

I don't know how I missed this post but LOVE the pillow. Soo cute!

Julie said...

Beautiful pillow!

I'm sorry to read you lost a family member, my condolences to you and your family

♥ Nia said...

Every day is Valentine's Days! I agree :D Men don't need a day on the calendar to remember themselves to buy us flowers, we deserve roses every day ;)

Lovely pillow!!
It's all pre-finished, you don't have to sew a thing?
I've seen Pine Mountain's webpage but I thought those kits had the fabric necessary to sew the pillows hehehe
wow! 10ct? That's big :p

I'm seeing Chilly on the next post ;) Hope to see Sabrina soon :D

Daffycat said...

A lovely finish! My DH and I rarely do anything for Valentines either. We are comfortable that way.

Oh,'ve had a time of it lately. I'm sorry there has been another loss in your family!

Lisa said...

What a lovely Valentine cushion finish, well done.
Sorry you've had to deal with a death in the family (hugs).

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love your pillow! It's so pretty! So sorry for your loss...
Hope to hear from ya soon,

Sue said...

Beautiful finish, sorry you've had another loss in your family.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Big hugs.

Congratulations on the finish!

Sharon said...

I love those kits, but hate to stitch them because it just aggravates me! Love your finish and I am sorry to hear of your loss.