Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stitchy Kitty SAL

I was really excited to do another SAL; this time with Jenn :o) We decided to stitch one of the snowmen from Stitchy Kitty's Snowman Trio chart. I picked Chilly.

I was 'supposed' to start on February 1 but I just couldn't put Sabrina down so Chilly never began until a few days ago. I'm very pleased with my progress though and thought I had better post a picture before Jenn thinks I've backed out! LOL!


I'm stitching Chilly on 28 count Bluebell Jobelan with the recommended threads. For some reason I thought he'd be more vibrant than he is but then again, the photography of the models are usually off. I hope I'll still like him when he's complete.

I know Jenn ended up having to start over and I can only imagine the frustration after seeing the amount of stitching she had already done :o( I hope you'll get that determination back Jenn!


paula said...

He is a cutie :0}

Crystal said...

Great start on Chilly, hope you post an updated pic of Sabrina soon.

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

he is just adorable...

i signed up for a class on how to knit socks...i am so excited about it...


Annie said...

He looks super cute to me. That snowman trio has always been a favorite of mine. Hope Jenn still has juice for this one.

Lany Meireles said...

Hola querida,

Esta quedando precioso....,


Lesleyanne said...

Lovely progress. I love this design.

Ranae said...

He's so adorable

Irene said...

Oh I have these guys too. Maybe this will be the year they see some light :) Chilly looks good and I'm sure will be more vibrant as you stitch on.

Mel said...

Sooo cute !

Carol said...

Chilly looks right at home on that frosty blue fabric--so cute!!

Myra said...


Karen said...

Another cute start! happy stitching....

Gert said...

Love it...he is soooo cute!

xoxo Gert

Tatkis said...

Oh, oh, Chilly is SO cute :)))
Can't wait to see him finished!!


♥ Nia said...

I love that snowman trio! All so cute!!
Chilly is looking adorable =) I do love the colors!
Have a great Friday sweetie :D

WendyCarole said...


Laura said...

Love the colors in this one, Cathey. They are so Spring-y!

Ruth said...

Oh I love him! The colors may not be what you expected, but on that blue they look great.

Kttycat said...

He's so cute!

mumzy said...

I love Chilly so far. I thinks he looks like I did this morning when I went for my walk. I had the scarf around my face to keep warm. You did a lot of stitching already this month.

{{{Hugs and Love}}}

Melanie said...

Awwww man, I love this design *so* much. I will thoroughly enjoy your progress pics!! :)

Sue said...

I think he's looks vibrant.

Julie said...

He's lovely, i'm sure this one is in my stash pile.... like a few others i have forgotten about LOL

Aussie Stitcher said...

He is cute!!! If you don't like him when he is finished I will give him a home LOL.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Chilly is too cute--love the colors!

Morph Waffle said...

Chilly is a sweetie! Your blog is cute!

Brigitte said...

I've just looked up the snowmen and they are really sweet. And I think your Chilly is great so far.

Lisa said...

Love your cute snowman wip, great colours.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Oooh he's cute!