Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Twenty-Third Finish For 2010

I just had to sneak another one in since it will probably be the last project for the year ;o) Again, it's even finished-finished! Wowzers huh?

This is Snowman 3 from the Cuddle Up Snowmen pattern by Stoney Creek -


Isn't he cute? :o) You may notice that the stitches are HUGE and you would be correct! Years ago, my MIL gave me three covers from some pillows that she had purchased. They have a wonderful grid pattern, very similar to an evenweave fabric, so you can stitch one over one if you wish.


And maybe I should have stitched him over one...but I didn't. The stitch count ended up being a little larger than I'm used to. I had to use six strands of floss for the stitching and four strands for the backstitching. That equals A LOT of floss! LOL!

I even learned a new type of stitch; the Turkey Stitch. I had never used it before in my stitching but after looking at an online instruction video, it was as easy as pie :o)


My 'plan' is to do one of the other snowmen and then possibly stitch something fallish on the backside. That way I can flip the pillows and get more than one season out of them :o)


Denise said...

Look at you sneaking another finish in -- you're making us look bad! ;0)

He's awesome! I love the look and colors! He reminds me of Carolyn Mannings' snowmen.

Good idea doing a two-sided pillow. Less storage that way too!

Happy New Year -

Irene said...

I LOVE IT ! He's faboulous. Can't wait to see his mate :)

Karen said...

very nice, snowmen always make me smile

Tatkis said...

Oh, it's such a cute snowman! And pillow finish is a great idea.
I've just finished Trilogy snowman you sent me :)


Ranae said...

Cute! I love how his cap falls over his eyes

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness, I love the detail on the fringe. That is a great stitch!

LisaG said...

Oh he's really cute. Can't believe you're still going with the finishes this year.

Annie said...

Super cute pillow! I love the turkey stitch. It's so good for hair too. You can leave it un-cut to make curls!

Rachel S-H said...

What a cute finish and a great way to jazz up the pillows! Happy New Year!

Patty C. said...

Oh my gosh -I love snowmen and he is too cute - Congratulations on an adorable finish !!

Myra said...

So cute and colorful! Great way to brighten a cold winter day.

Lany Meireles said...

Hola querida,

He pasado para desearte un feliz 2011!!!!


Stitching Noni said...

Love the snowman! What a great idea to stitch straight onto the cushion cover.

Stoney Creek always has such beautiful designs.

Well done :-)


Gert said...

Wow...amazing!!! I love this snowman and what a great idea to do one on the other side! You ar thinking all the time...ha

xoxo Gert

Anonymous said...

What a cute pillow! You did a great job on it. Those turkey stitches look awesome! I like the idea of stitching something on the other side.

TammyK said...

Awesome snowman & awesome finish :)

Cole said...

Oh goodness, he's cute!!! Great job on the turkey stitch too :)

Carol said...

That is one big snowman! And your idea to stitch another pillow with a snowman on one side and something fall-themed on the other is genius!

Happy New Year, Cathey! Hope 2011 brings you nothing but good health and much happiness...You deserve it :)

Julie said...

A lovely finish, so cute!

A very moving story of your kindness to another family, i'm sure they had the best Christmas ever.

Great dishwashing gloves from Karen, the birds are lovely too.

Your home looks very festive and cosy, i hope you had a wonderful Christmas

Alberta said...

Outstanding snowman pillow!!! I think he's just the right size for your couch. I must take a look at that turkey stitch...your fringe looks perfect!

Sue said...

The pillow is adorable. Happy New Year.

Karen said...

Very cute finish!!! Hope you have a great new stitchy year.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

He is SOOOOO cute! Great job.

Happy new year!

Teena in Toronto said...

So colourful!

Daffycat said...

What a darling snowman! He looks fantastic on the pillow. I really like the idea of something different on the reverse side...very clever!

mumzy said...

That snowman is just sooo cute! Great job.
{{{Hugs and Love}}}

♥ Nia said...

So cute!!!! Your pillow looks adorable =) Great way to close the year ;)