Friday, December 10, 2010

My New TV Room

Miracles of miracles, the delivery company found us on the third try and we received our entertainment unit on Monday ;o) Apparently they did the same thing to our neighbour across the street. Have they ever heard of GPS???? The guy kept calling me 'sweetheart' and that didn't go over well with me >:o( He's lucky he didn't get slugged!

Thankfully everything was okay despite being in transit for over a week. Being the person I am, I couldn't contain my excitement and began assembling the television stand. Now I realize that IKEA deals with countries from all over the world and I can understand why all their instructions are just pictures with no words but golly...I think I may have to brush up on my Pictionary skills! LOL!

It took a few days to assemble, gather all our books and then fill all the shelves. Even with two huge drawers, we still didn't have enough storage for our DVD collection :oP So without further ado, here's our new unit -



We just love it! We took the door to the room completely off since we'll never need it and it would have blocked the left bookcase.

Turn to the right and on the opposite wall is the couch that was down in the living room -


Remember I said that DH must have had a guy from work come and help him move it? Well the crazy fool had moved it himself! Turns out he got stuck halfway up the stairs ;o) We have a small landing and I have an ivy growing there. It has attached itself to the wall and I didn't want it moved. How he managed without hurting himself, I don't know. DH also got a new end table from a co-worker. It's really cool and so him. There's a humidor attached to the top!

Moving a little more to the right and you'll find my side of the couch -


That leaves a small empty space under the print. Sadly, there isn't much more room left for any new books we may receive down the road so we might look into a small bookcase to put there or a long bench. We're not sure yet.

Things are coming together :o)


Annie said...

That looks terrific! Definitely worth the hassle. They always say 'third time is the charm'.

Mary said...

Looks like Christmas came early to your house, Cathey!
I hope you have many happy hours in your new room....
Merry Christmas!

Denise said...

Pretty Pretty! What a warm cozy space!

Have a suggestion about the DVD's. I bought books to hold my DVD's. No cases and the fabric background doesn't scratch the discs. I got them from Staples. That might help you.

So, what's the living room look like without the sofa?
Smiles - Denise

valerie said...

Your new tv room looks fantastic! Assembly on those Idea pieces are hard! You should feel accomplished. Mind you, I'm terrible at putting things together so I envy those that can! lol Enjoy the tv room!

diamondc said...

I love the color of your entertainment center very classy.

Gert said...

Oh my gosh , I love it! Everything is just so sheik, beautiful!

xoxo Gert

Melanie said...

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet new entertainment unit! Very very yummy. :)

Daffycat said...

Oh, very nice! That looks like a great place to snuggle in, watch TV and stitch! You can't have too many shelves for there a small bookcase that matches?

Tatkis said...

Wow, great TV room you have! And it looks like my DH dream :))


Carol said...

How on earth did your husband manage to get a couch up the stairs by himself??? Is he a big guy? Your room looks great, Cathey and I really like your new furniture and the paint color. Cute rug, too :)

Alberta said...

Looks very cozy! Love the storage for books, music and movies...your carpet is it shades of cranberry?

Karen said...

Looks great! Enjoy your new get back to stitching!

mumzy said...

Cathey, anymore books and you will have to go down into the diningroom and put up supports to hold the TV room floor up. LOL
Your entertainment center looks wonderful and I am so pleased that you are both happy with it.
{{{Hugs and Love}}}
Mom & Dad

Irene said...

The wall unit looks wonderful and well worth the wait. The whole room looks very cozy.

Barb said...

Nice early Christmas present! Looks like a beautiful room.

Teena in Toronto said...

Good job! So cozy!

♥ Nia said...

Oh my!! How did he get to manage the couch all by himself?!?! Men! Can't wait for someone to help :p Lol! Well done, please, give my congratulations to your DH! Rui damaged one wall on our first week in the new house.. just moving a nightstand to the upper floor! :p

Your new unit looks wonderfull!! (I'm very used to those Ikea drawings!! lol!!)
And I really like your corner of the room :D

Vinniey said...

Your new TV cabinet looks nice! I love your wall's color. :) Very cozy.

Brigitte said...

It took a while but finally you got it, lol. Your room looks so nice!

Angela said...

Finally! LOL :) I like your choice a lot too as it's the exact same one that I keep trying to get my dh to buy but he hates Ikea. The whole room looks like a great place to sit and stitch.

Julie said...

Looks wonderful, a nice cosy place to settle down and stitch and watch TV

Leslie said...

Love it.
... and just in time for cold winter.
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

The entertainment center looks great. I love the look of the living room. I left you an apology on my blog if you want to stop by. Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Sharon said...

Cathey it looks wonderful. I love the entertainment center.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Definitely worth the hassle! It looks great.

Lori said...

looks really great! Congrats!

Cindy said...

Very nice, and definitely worth the wait (in retrospect!) I'm glad that they finally found you :)