Thursday, November 11, 2010

Out Of Hiding

Sabrina is back and you should see quite a difference from the last time I showed you an update :o) I have the front part of her dress completed, all except the beading -


I may have to do the beading during the days when I have more light but we'll see how things go. I want to bead this area before moving on to the middle of her skirt.


I'm still in love with her and very pleased with how well she is coming along. To be honest though, I am disappointed that she won't be finished by the end of the year :o(

It seems that I have been holding out on you all because I have some fantastic news to share! I got a call last Friday and was told that my mammogram was clear :o) That means that I 'officially' have ten years under my belt! What's even more exciting is that Jean, from the Attic, will be posting pictures soon (supposedly this week's newsletter) with some of the items that will be up for auction. If you are not subscribed to her newsletter, you can view it on the web site.

Mom and Dad will be arriving this afternoon for a visit :o) I'm SO glad that the rain has FINALLY ended and it's supposed to be a sunny weekend. Since my blisters have not healed yet, I've been forced to wear my Crocs (without socks). My poor toes were purple this morning. LOL!

Due to the fact that my parents will be here, I probably won't be around very much but will pop in to check emails ;o) Have a great weekend everyone!


Marylin /Poussy said...

oh it's very nice !
have a good day
marylin France

Poppypatchwork said...

That's the best news for you, I am so glad for you,all clear is th best.
Regards Marlene

Melissa said...

Oh your progress picture is awesome! Just gorgeous! Congrats on your 10 year anniversary!

Christina said...

That's fantastic news about your mammogram, I bet you're so relieved.
Sabrina is coming along nicely, I just love the colours in her.

Danielle said...

Pumpkin, so glad for you!!!! Sabrina is looking fab, of course. Enjoy your weekend!

Stephanie M. said...

That is great news!! Of course Sabrina is in my stash, yours is looking so good.

Devon said...

She is looking beautiful...and I am so happy for you,,,what great news,,have a good visit with your parents,,

Patty C. said...

So glad to hear your ta tas passed the test -roflol

Sabrina will keep - you can't rush perfection ;)

Irene said...

That's wonderful news. Enjoy the visit with your parents.

Annie said...

Great news! Congrats.

Sabrina is looking lovelier with each showing.

Hope those blisters finally move on out!

Cole said...

Great news!!! And Sabrina is looking gorgeous!

CalamityJr said...

What wonderful news, and perfect timing to be able to celebrate with your parents. Enjoy their visit!

Jane said...

Cathey, I'm so pleased to hear your good news ~ congratulations!
I certainly can see Sabrina's progress, she really is a beautiful piece of stitching and the hours spent on her will be so worth it when she's finally completed.
Have a great time with your parents and make sure you celebrate your fab news xxxx

Carol said...

Congratulations on such wonderful news--10 clean years is a major milestone! I'm so happy for you, Cathey!

Sabrina is looking just dazzling--don't feel badly about not finishing her by the end of the year. Take your time and enjoy the process :)

Enjoy your parents' visit and rest those poor blistered feet if you can...

Gert said...

Congratulations on your 10 years with a clear mammogram! (Bless you!)

Hope your blisters heal quickly, nothing worse then having 'purple' toes!!! ~smile~

I absolutely LOVE your lady..that piece is just amazing!!! Can't wait to see it with!!

Enjoy your parents visit! Blessings...

xoxo Gert

Deborah said...

Cathey,congratulations on your wonderful news!! 10 years being cancer free is great. Sabrina is beautiful.

Myra said...

Congratulations! I am doing a happy dance for you. Sabrina is gorgeous.

Crazee4books said...

Hurray!! Yowza!! Whoop Whoop!!

Three cheers!! Wonderful news
Cathey. I'm here dancing up a
storm in happiness ~ 10 years
clear is a wonderful milestone
and I'm thrilled for you!!

Ah, Sabrina continues to be a
truly beautiful project. When
she's done you'll have yet
another lovely lady to be so
very (and rightfully) proud of.

How's Popcorn doing these days?
We haven't seen any pictures
lately ... hint, hint.

Have a great time with your
parents and hope the weather
behaves itself while they're
with you.


Karen said...

Looking lovely! Hope you had a great time with your parents.

valerie said...

Wonderful news on your mammogram! Yay!

Sabrina is looking gorgeous! I think it's a lot easier to bead in the daytime too.

Have a wonderful visit with your parents!

Rachel S-H said...

That is fantastic! Happy dancing all around!

♥ Nia said...

Congratulations on your mammogram!!! :D

Sabrina is so beautiful! She has no many details.. I would prefer beading just in the end of stitching. Why do you prefer to do it that way? I mean beading while stitching.
I've never stitched anything like that, so I'm curious :)

You're luckier than me, I have rain for the next three days, at least =(
Enjoy your weekend!! :)

Lori said...

Don't the beads get thin the way of the Q-snap? Maybe you don't use a frame. She looks very surrene.(how the heck do you spell that? ggrrr) LOL.

Have a good time with your parents. See you in a few days.

Daffycat said...

This is the best news ever, Cathey, and I am so happy to hear it! Congratulations on ten years!

Sabrina looks fantastic. I'm looking forward to seeing her beaded up.

Have so much fun with your parents.

Kat said...

Congratulations! I'm THRILLED for you! Enjoy your visit!


Julie said...

Congrats on the good news!

Enjoy your time with your family

Sabrina looks wonderful

Tatkis said...

Your stitching going very productive :) may be there is a chance to finish her this year? ;)

Enjoy your parents visit fully!
And big congratulations with your clear mammogram!!


Brigitte said...

This news is the best news ever. I'm happy for you!
Sabrina is getting more and more beautiful. And that's one of the things I so love about stitching - to see how a picture comes to life the more your stitch on it.

Leslie said...

wow!!!! wtg on the mammo. : )
have a great visit with your parents.
happy monday

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Yeay! Such good news!

Sabrina looks great. :)

Enjoy your visit with your parents!

Chiloe said...

Congrats for the 10 years !!!!! Such a good news :-D I'm so happy for you ♥

Chiloe said...

Oh and Sabrina looks so beautiful !!!