Saturday, October 09, 2010

It 'Moose' Be Fall!

DH and I are visiting my parents at the moment and having a very nice time :o) The leaves are much more colourful although the high winds have taken a lot of them down. I haven't been able to get the pictures I've wanted because of this :o(

What I didn't expect to get a picture of was this -



Y-e-s that IS a moose! DH and I were walking down the road with my parents when we spotted this fellow. There were approximately 225 feet between us. Thankfully he turned into the woods. Nice moosie ;o) LOL!

I want to thank everyone who entered the breast cancer giveaway and who explained to me how to get a screen shot ;o) LOL!

The winner of the DMC Stitch Pink Kit is...MYRA!!!!


Congratulations! I will be emailing you shortly :o)

Tomorrow we leave to visit my in-laws so I will be offline for a few days :o( To all my Canadian friends, have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Chris said...

Great Pics!!!

Gert said...

Oh my gosh...what a great shot. But glad you two were safe! Moose can be dangerous! Glad you are having a nice time.

xoxo Gert

Myra said...

That moose is just fabulous! I would have been scared being so close. I am thrilled to have won the stitch pink kit - they are no where to be found here. Thank you so much!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Tina said...

Omg, he is absolutely gorgeous!

Ranae said...

Very Cool!!!!

Patty C. said...

Congrats to Myra !!

Leslie said...

Marty moose marty moose.. cool. I've never seen a moose in person before.
Congrats to myra.

Nancy said...

I keep hoping to see one, every time we're in NH .. haven't seen a moose or a bear, yet.
Glad you're having a good visit!

Cole said...

Love the moose!! Those things are huge! Congrats to Myra and enjoy your turkey day!

Melissa said...

Love the pictures! Nice moose...

Christina said...

Love your title, it made me chuckle! I don't think I'd like to come face-to-face with a beautiful as he is!

Daffycat said...

Ooo, awesome photos! It would be a little scary running into a moose like that!

Congratulations to Myra!

Annie said...

You found Bullwinkle! Cool.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

LisaG said...

OMG... extremely close Moose alert!!! Lucky he went the other way.

Congrats on your win Myra.

Gen said...

Congratulations to Myra!

Wooo, fortunately Mr. Moose went the opposite side! You never know... O_o

Deborah said...

Great photos! happy Thanksgiving.

Carol said...

Oh, my! I can't imagine coming face-to-face with those giant antlers...

And congratulations to Myra!

CathE said...

What a great shot.

Julie said...

WOW, what a sight to see!

Congrats to Myra

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Oh my goodness! What a great shot--I think I would be running the other way if I was that close to a moose.

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

♥ Nia said...

Wooww!!! A moose?!?! That's something I'll never see around here :p LOL! It's huge!!

Congratulations to the winner! Lucky girl! :)

We don't have that tradition in Portugal but I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your visit :)

Jenn M said...

wow! That must have been exciting!
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving :)

And This Little Pig said...

What a magnificent moose :D he is truly stunning, just shining in the bright sunlight. Don't have them downunder.
LiB in Oz

Irene said...

He's beautiful and so large !!!