Saturday, June 12, 2010

What Happened On This Day 39 Years Ago...

I was born! LOL!


Will be back tomorrow to share all :o)


Irene said...

Happy Birthday Cathey !

Jane said...

Hope it's a good one, enjoy every minute and look forward to hearing your birthday news tomorrow xxx

Chiloe said...

And it was a very good day !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you dear Cathey ♥

valerie said...

Happy Birthday Cathey!!

Cole said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you enjoy your day & get gifted the Slushie machine ;)

Patty C. said...

I hope your day is filled with Birthday Joy -
Take Care
(39 - wow - I am older than you - you are supposed to respect your elders by telling them what you are stitching - roflol)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Happy Birthday, Cathey!


LisaG said...

Happy Birthday Cathey, have a lovely day.

Alberta said...

So that's why it's such a beautiful day! Happy Birthday Cathey!

Stitchabilities said...

I Hope you have had a wonderful birthday!!! Cathey sending you lots of b'day hugs

Tina said...

..... the world became a better place.....Happy BIrthday Cathey! Enjoy your day.

Jenn M said...

Happy Birthday!!! Make a wish!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, Happy Birthday, Cathey!! Have a wonderful day!!

Carolyn said...

Happy Happy Birthday Cathey-I hope you have a great day:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Have fun, and be sure to share the birthday stashy goodness with us. :o)

Paisley said...

Woohoo!! Happy Birthday, Cathey!!

Rowyn said...

Happy birthday Cathey - hope you have a wonderful day!

mΓ³nica Silva said...

Hello happy birthday!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Happy Birthday Cathey, and Many Happy Returns. I have socks that old and had been finding what crosses my stitch for 6 years by the time your tail fell off. Non the less, have a great day and the best year coz you know what they say about turning 40.
I just can't remember.
Be always in stitches.

Kim said...

So was my DH, happy birthday to you both!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet Cathy! I hope your day was/is fabulous!!!

jlmcclure said...

Happy Birthday!!1

Ranae said...

Happy Birthday!!! Dear Lady!!

TammyK said...

Happy birthday bud!!

Karol said...

Happy Birtday to you! It is my birthday also!

Carol said...

Hope you had a wonderful day, Cathey! Wish I could go back to being 39 again :)

Marjorie said...

Happy Birthday Cathey! Why, you're just a baby still :)

Karen said...

Happy Birthday, it's tomorrow now what did you do and get?

Gen said...

Happy birthday!
I've turned 39 this year too... ;)

♥ Nia said...

ohhh I missed your birthday!! Sorry dear =/
Happy (late) birthday!! I wish you many years of happiness and joy :D Keep being that fun girl that you are :D And may all your wishes come true!!
Huge hug!!!!!!! ♥

Sharon said...

Happy belated Birthday Cathey!

Daffycat said...

Goodness, I am SO FAR BEHIND on my blog reader!

I hope you had the best of birthdays, Cathey!