
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Popcorn Please

Yesterday I took Popcorn for her first vet visit with Dr. C :o) I was SO proud of her! She took the whole exam like a pro, even getting her temperature taken. Yes, I did say 'she'. It's official...Popcorn is a girl. Oye! For a female, she is very laid back. DH and I have been doing a lot with her so that she gets accustomed to different things. I'm a little worried about her right now though because she seems to have soft poop and I'm not sure why :o( I saved some to show Dr. C and she wasn't too concerned. DH says I'm worrying too much and maybe I am. I just hope this wasn't a mistake getting her because I'm not sure I would be ready to lose another animal but how could you resist this sweet little thumper -


Just to prove that I am STILL stitching, I've taken another progress picture of my Piping Plover -


I was really hoping to have this finished up by the end of June but since it's June 30, I doubt this is going to happen :o( By some miracle I might achieve that goal. I mean I only have a little bit of the eggs and the rest of the baby left to do and then a bit of backstitching. Who knows, maybe I'll get caught up in another FIFA game tonight ;o)

Awhile back I won Karen's giveaway and it finally arrived by mail! We were both getting a little worried but that's Canada Post for you >:o( I have to say that I am truly honoured to have another piece(s) stitched by another stitcher and Karen's finishes are beautiful in person -


Thank you so much Karen and I will definitely cherish them!

I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday weekend! DH has four days off and we'll be getting together with friends and maybe hitting the beach :o) What do you have planned?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday's Photographic Memories

When Mom and Dad were visiting a few weeks ago, we took a drive to Shelburne. This is quite a quaint little town and believe it or not, famous! There have been a number of movies that were filmed there. "A" The Scarlet Letter and Virginia's Run being two of the more noteworthy. Recently, they used the town for a two-part television miniseries called Moby Dick. It stars Donald Sutherland, William Hurt, Ethan Hawk and Gillian Anderson so keep your eyes peeled for that :o)

Dock Street

Dock Street

The Garrison

Papa & Baby Adirondack Chairs

Duck On A Rock

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Eye Candy

As promised, I have more stash to share with you :o) While Mom and Dad were away, first in Florida and then in Indiana, they picked me up some goodies -


The pink tote is thanks to Laural who had posted the one she bought on her Blog. I'm not sure what I'm going to keep in it yet but I'm sure I'll find a good use for it ;o)

Do you see that awesome pumpkin hanger? Now how perfect is that! I'm going to have to find the right project to hang from it.

The two patterns at the front are punchneedle. I have yet to try it but I thought these patterns were just too adorable. They're by Jeri Kelly and have the pre-printed weaver's cloth with the pattern. A very nice product.

I ordered two kits from The Gift Of Stitching and was very impressed with how they are done up. I got Starr Of Mine by LHN and the Strawberry Pyn Pillow by Praiseworthy Stitches. Shipping is free on all their items so that's a bonus if you ask me!

I picked up a couple of little kits by NeedleMagic. I know they're on Aida but sometimes these are perfect for trips in the car :o)

The rest of the items are part of my birthday stash :o) Drema sent me four skeins of NPI silk (for Autumn At Hawk Run Hollow) and a piece of 30 count Tin Roof by WDW.

There's no sense having the fabric if I don't have a plan for it ;o)


It will be used for The Totin' Hare by La-D-Da. Do you think I could resist this pattern? LOL! Drema also included two patterns by The Drawn Thread, It's Halloween and Random Thoughts.

The smaller chart is a limited edition by Q-Designs and all proceeds from the sale of this pattern will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure.

Mom and Dad also picked up Joyeux Noel for me. Would you believe it was only $15? :o)

And coveted copy of the 2010 JCS Christmas Ornament Preview issue -


I knew it would be forever and a day before it reached my part of the world and I was not willing to wait that long ;o) I just LOVE the pattern by CCN and of course Ink Circle's Summer Mandala is included in this issue as well.

I want to thank everyone for welcoming Popcorn :o) Get used to him because he'll be around a lot! LOL!

So how much enabling did I do?

Friday, June 25, 2010


There's your answer to yesterday's riddle :o) Quite a few of you got it right and I'm glad to hear that you enjoy the stuff. There was a reason why I tortured you...because it's the subject of today's post. Huh? What's so special about popcorn you ask? Remember that birthday present I was waiting for? Well it finally arrived home yesterday :o)

Now you're probably asking yourself WHY her DH would get her popcorn for her birthday. I never said that popcorn was actually blown up kernels of corn ;o) Ah-ha!

So...I'm VERY proud to introduce the newest member of our family...Popcorn -


Gotcha! LOL! Believe it or not but I've kept this secret since the last part of May! This was NOT easy, believe me.

As some of you know, last year I had to put my bunny, Pickles, to sleep and then my sweet Brie (our Miniature Dachshund) :o( It was a very difficult year. DH and I have talked at length and have decided we are not ready for another dog but another bunny was a possibility.

When our local shelter advertised that they had a litter of baby bunnies born on April 22, I knew it was time. Someone had found Momma rabbit astray and she surprised the shelter when she had nine (unfortunately one passed away) little ones. They're not sure what kind of rabbit she bred with but she produced quite a colourful litter! I instantly fell in love with Popcorn :o)


We do have a dilemma though...they can't tell whether we have a he or a she. Baby rabbits are VERY hard to sex. I initially thought that I had picked a male then they told me it was a female. When I went to pick up Popcorn, they told me I had a male. Next week I have a vet appointment and Dr. C (my bunny expert) will hopefully figure things out because the next step will be to spay or neuter.

Last night I put the harness on Popcorn and took him outside. I plan on getting him used to it so we can enjoy the outdoors together. I had a heck of a time trying to get a picture of him though and it was so funny to watch DH holding the leash and running after the rabbit around the yard ;o)

Duncan has been introduced to Popcorn although things will definitely have to be supervised. Since Duncan is a herding dog, he tried to nip Popcorn a couple of times and that is just not acceptable considering his small size. He is totally obsessed with his new playmate as you can see in this picture -



Sorry there have been no stitching pictures lately but hopefully I can get back to that real soon. I will have some stash pictures to show though ;o) There will be plenty more Popcorn pictures and The Bunny Whisperer (DH) has already hypnotized him!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Thursday Thought

What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket and becomes larger but weights less?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back To Blogland!

The visit with my parents was finally over yesterday when I waved goodbye to them that morning :o( They arrived last Friday and it was non-stop since! I can definitely tell you one thing...I might only be 39 years old but my 65 year old mother can run me into the ground ;o) We had a wonderful visit. The last time we saw them was in November of last year so it had been quite awhile.

It was like my birthday all over again when Mom produced a cake she had made for DH and I (his birthday is in July). I thought we were all caked out but this cake was special (it had money hidden in it) so it was devoured over the weekend ;o)

My parents bought me some things while they were away in Florida and I was spoiled :o) I never thought I would be a scissor collector but I think it's like an addiction...once you've got it, the need just won't go away. I was lucky enough that Mom and Dad were able to pick up not one, but TWO pairs of Ginghers for me; Mia and Charlene :o) Now I have SEVEN pairs! Aren't they beautiful -


From the top, clockwise are Sarah, Criss, Ashley, Roberta, Charlene, Alyssa and Mia.

And you can't have scissors without a flower frog now can you? This is a new baby that I bought last year -


Mom and I collect Cornflower glassware and an antique friend of mine had found two of them. So I bought one for Mom and killed two birds with one stone (not literally) and got the other one for me. If my Gingher collection keeps growing, I'll have to get another one or steal Mom's back from her. LOL!

On Friday night it was so hot that we all piled in the car and went for fish and clams. It was my first clams of the year and it was yummy :oP

The next day we decided to drive to Shelburne for a tour. DH and I had never been there before so it was a new experience for us all. The weather was beautiful and HOT! At one point I just walked into the water to cool off. Oh, one of the many joys of owning Crocs :o) I won't overload this post with photos so look out for Monday's Photographic Memories for pictures of our adventures.

On Sunday we stayed close to home as it was a bit of a lazy day. We got down to Port Medway and enjoyed another gorgeous day. I do have some interesting photos to show you though -


Would you believe that was a school of fish in the water? Not photo fantastic but I was surprised that my camera would pick them up. I also experimented with a jellyfish that was swimming around the pier -


Unfortunately the water was that dirty :o(

As we were leaving, we stopped in at a flea market. I was able to find 'the' perfect jar for my sea glass and it was only two dollars! Isn't it pretty now -


Monday, Mom and I went to the beach in search of glass. I practically had to drag her home! LOL! Dad helped DH out in the garage and it looks great. Late in the afternoon we headed to Mahone Bay and walked through some of the shops there. Shortly after six, we arrived at the gallery that sells my photos as she was having a grand opening :o) I was impressed at how many people showed up while we were there and now, hopefully, the tourist will start coming and buy my pictures! Unfortunately the season doesn't look good but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

There are more things that I want to show you but you'll just have to wait ;o) I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I'm almost caught up on my emails but I do have some Blog reading to do so bare with me! This old gal is tired out. LOL!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Thursday Thought

My weekly 'Thought' is going to be pre-empted this week because my parents are coming for a visit tomorrow :o) This has been and will be taking up my focus. I haven't seen them since before Christmas! Because of this, I won't be on the computer much and will definitely not be Blogging or Blog reading until next week :o(

You can still email me as I will periodically check my emails but I won't be replying to any of them unless it's something very important. I hope you will understand. So until next week, behave yourselves while I'm away ;o)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All Is Revealed!

Okay, I guess I left you hanging long enough ;o) LOL! I was surprised that a few of you actually guessed what it was. I'm impressed! So without further ado (Patty!), here is Piping Plover by Crossed Wing Collection -


At least she looks like one now :o) These little birds are so cute and the only thing that's even more adorable is seeing the babies. I've only seen them once in my life but I will never forget it. I wish I was able to photograph them that day. So any ideas about what's going in that blank space to the left?

Unfortunately, I haven't had a lot of time to stitch. I actually made sure I sat myself down this morning to get some in before I took the picture. The weather has been so beautiful that I find myself out every day and then at night I'm too tired to pick up the needle. I would really like to get this project out of the way and get back to Sabrina.

Yesterday I went to the little city and found some new fabric to add to my stash -


I thought the frogs were really cute although I wish they didn't have 'recycle' on the print. The other two are for breast cancer and have such pretty colors. I can't wait to finish something with one of those fabrics.

I was pleasantly surprised on Monday when I got the mail! Rachael had sent me a birthday package full of goodies -


Thank you! Look at the bunnies on the card! The Dragon Floss is yummy and I can always use a bookmark and beads :o)

I also want to thank Karen for my GC to 123 Stitch! That will definitely help me buy more NPI Silks for Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow :o)

Before I go I want to welcome all the new Pumpkin Stalkers! I hope you enjoy my Blog and thank you for taking the time to read it. I always love hearing from people so if you can, leave a comment :o)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday's Photographic Memories

Sorry to do this but I'm going to bore you with flower pictures once more ;o) I was out all last week with the camera and loving every minute of it!

Pansies are by far one of the flowers I admire the most. They come in so many different varieties and to me; they look so innocent and pure.


Roses are high on my list as well but I prefer the so called 'wild' ones. My grandmother had these in the yard of her summer home and whenever I smell them, it takes me right back in time :o)

Rugosa Rose

Virginia Rose

I was in to see my neighbour last week and got the tour of their garden. They've been working really hard on it. When I spotted this flower, I almost shrieked with joy -

Pink Calla Lily

Stunning, isn't it? I will be giving this picture to them as a thank you gift for all that they do for DH and me. They have become like surrogate parents and spoil us as if we were their own :o)

Just a reminder, if you are interested in purchasing one (or two) of my photographs, I do have a link to a private album that holds my current collection. All you have to do is email me and I will send you an invitation to view it.

I have decided that if you see any of the pictures on my Blog that are not in my collection but you would like to purchase, I will do that as well. The only thing is, these will have to be special order and will take time as I get all of my prints from Shutterfly. They have a high quality product and upstanding service. I will be making an order soon, so just keep that in mind if you see something you like :o)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Day After

Oh boy, my last year before I hit the big 4-0! I look at myself in the mirror and say "Do I really look my age?" I wonder how old people think I am when they look at me because I definitely don't feel that I look like I'm one year away from being forty. How do I feel physically? Well, that's another matter ;o) LOL!

I had a wonderful day! DH took the day off work and made me pancakes for breakfast :o) We went to the Little City and did a bit of shopping. I desperately needed a sun hat and found a really cute one that DH liked as well. I don't think I'm a hat person but I do like this one on me.

We picked up a couple of beach chairs and I claimed the orange one as mine ;o)


Then we proceeded to buy my $7,000 flip-flops, as DH calls then -


He bought a pair for himself (different kind) and when we got the bill, we nearly collapsed. I thought it was his pair that took us over the top but it turns out it was mine! I had assumed I knew the price but I guess I got confused after looking at so many. Oups!

For dinner we met up with our friends, T & K, at one of the local pizza joints. We strolled through town to work off all the food we'd just ate and spotted a seal in the water :o) Afterwards, it was back home for some cake!

DH had put up pink and white balloons and got me a bottle of bubbles. Yes, I may be 39 but still a kid at heart ;o) My cake was pink and white and oh so yummy! We had a great time. There never seems to be a dull moment with T & K. LOL!

DH also bought me this adorable keyring -


There is one more gift on the way but I can't divulge what it is until I get it ;o)

I want to thank all my family and friends who sent birthday wishes either by mail or email. Thank you to T & K for my gift card, to my in-laws for my Mango Tango Potentilla and DH for all his hard work :o) I am very blessed.

My parents were supposed to be here the first week of June but had to cancel at the last minute. We're hoping they're coming next weekend and it will be like my birthday all over again so the fun hasn't stopped yet ;o)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What Happened On This Day 39 Years Ago...

I was born! LOL!


Will be back tomorrow to share all :o)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Thursday Thought

Last night I was cruising around the internet trying to find a topic for this week when I accidentally came upon this -


I had one of these when I was a kid!!!! Boy, did that ever bring back memories :o) What's even funnier is the commercial -

ROFL! Is there any question about where I may have come across my love for ice and Slushies???? :o) No Easy Bake Oven for me! It was all about the Ice Bird. Every time I went on vacation with my parents, they always had to find me a Slushie.

Slushies have come a long way since then. The best ones are the Coke or Orange Pop Slushies :o) Dairy Queen has come out with a Lemonade Slushie and it's really not that bad. A little, okay very, sour when you hit the end but good all the same. I've been trying to convince DH to get me a Slushie machine but it's a no go. You would 'think' that the birthday girl could get whatever she wanted ;o)

Tell me about a toy that you still think about today and how it may have shaped you as a person :o)

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

What's This?

Even though I haven't posted any pictures of my stitching, I have been busy, busy, busy :o) I'm going to be bad and show you the progress picture but I'm not going to tell you what pattern it is. HA!


Kind of makes you go hmmmm....huh? What the heck is it? Let me just say, I got the inspiration one day while I was walking the beach. That's the only hint you're going to get for now ;o)

I do have one question though; this piece is 124W x 86H so would you consider it a medium or small piece? I'm thinking it would fall into the small category but I'd like your opinion.

I think I had mentioned that I had another pillow that I wanted to put together and it's finally done! This is Peace Love & A Cure by LK -


I was able to track down the same fabric that she had on her model and I love it! It's so delicate and pretty :o) The only thing I'm second guessing is the overall size of the pillow. This one is 16 x 16 but I'm wondering if I should have stayed with a 14 x 14. Here's the pillow sitting on top of my quilt rack that holds the pink ribbon quilt that my mom did for me -


I am just SO excited because last night I found out that I won Karen's giveaway!!!! Eeeeeeeee!!!! What a great (early) birthday present ;o) LOL! Thank you SO much Karen. I can't wait to receive it!

Monday, June 07, 2010

Monday's Photographic Memories

I absolutely love this time of year. There are flowers blooming everywhere! I can't seem to get out and cover enough ground. It's nothing for me to go out for a couple of hours and come home with 80-90 pictures on the camera. Hey, not all of them are good but I still end up with a fair amount of colourful pics :o)


Pink Lupines

Bearded Iris

Purple Lupines