Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday's Photographic Memories

Last weekend DH and I went for another drive and went down the South Shore. Along the way, we came across this mill on the side of the road -


It proved to be an excellent photographic opportunity!

We eventually landed in Lockeport. No, this isn't the tropics ;o)

Crescent Beach

Fishing Boat

Carter Island Lighthouse

Dinosaur Remains


Annie said...

Great photos. Real dinosaur or just look-a-like?

Patty C. said...

Photos are wonderful :)

Irene said...

Great pictures !

Cole said...

Great pictures!! They would make awesome postcards :)

Carol said...

What a fascinating part of the world you live in, Cathey... and your pictures are gorgeous. I really love the old mill!

Sharon said...

Pretty pictures. I really like the one of the mill and plus I just have a thing for the clarity of black and white photo's.

Leeland said...

Wow! Never go out without your camera! And go out more, too!
Stunning pics, Fav Pumpkin.

Anonymous said...

Very cool pics! Love the Mill!

mumzy said...

You took great pictures as usual. Can't wait to get down there and enjoy those beautiful scenes.
{{{Love and Hugs}}}

Cindy said...

Beautiful pics, as always :)

Olga said...

Your pictures are so beautiful!
And congrats on side one finish of your gorgeous Sabrina.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Beautiful photos!

WendyCarole said...

great photos

Tammy said...

That first photo is spectacular! If it makes any sense at all, that is the kind of life I wish I lived.