Friday, February 12, 2010

Seventh Finish For 2010

I'm sorry to disappoint but this is basically a rerun of my sixth finish ;o) As I stated before, I had wanted to stitch Dogs Leave Paw Prints by Lizzie Kate for myself and here it is -



This time I have added a bone charm just because I know that no child or animal will tear it off and choke on it.


I have the fabric all cut out and ready to make the pillow but I'm waiting to see just how cooperative my sewing machine is going to be >:o( I've gone through their list of points to look over and I cannot for the life of me figure out why the bottom thread keeps bunching and the top thread keeps breaking off. I've fiddled, cleaned and tried different things but just as I think its working better...snap! &*@^%$!!!!

I've been bad.... I started a new project but it's not Sabrina :o( It's another small piece and one I've been wanting to get done for a long time now. It won't take long to complete. I would have started Sabrina this week but Aunt Flo came for a visit and she's become more of a pita over the last few months. It's times like this that I push important stuff to the side and wait until I'm more in a better frame of mind.

Yesterday I applied for another job. This one is in the next town over but it would pay more than my last job so well worth the half hour drive. I really hope that I at least get a call this time. This will be the fourth job I've applied for since moving here and my resumes weren't even acknowledged in the first three. Sigh! If this one doesn't go anywhere, I guess I'll really have to do some serious legwork with my photography. Tourist season will be upon us soon!


WendyCarole said...

Good luck with the job application and I hope you sort out the machine.

A part from the usual tension issues all I can think is did you try changing the needle or have you got a different type of thread than usual and the machine doesn't like it

Rachel S-H said...

Good luck with the job!

The finish looks great.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Darling finish! Wishing you good luck on the job hunt!

Irene said...

Another great finish. Hope your machine co-operates this time. Good luck with job hunt.

Patricia Lessell said...

What a really lovely finish. I do hope your get an interview or at least an acknowledgment of your resume. How can people be so mean?!?
Patti xxx

Annie said...

My machine uses plastic bobbins and they wear out sometimes and give your symptoms. So double check that if it applies.

Stitching looks great and I like the bone.

Fingers crossed that you get the job.

Karen said...

Another cute finish...good luck with your sewing machine. Maybe flowers and a nice Valentine will put it in a better mind????

Happy stitching... and good luck with your job search.

Blu said...

The charm is adorable. And the reasoning behind it is hilarious!
Good luck with the job.

Cindy said...

Congrats on another finish!! Can you send some of those magic smoking needles my way?

Good luck with the job search. I know how frustrating that can be...hang in there :)

LisaG said...

Another lovely finish with a very fitting charm :-)

Carol said...

Wow--you're going to have this one memorized! It really is cute--think I might make it for my sister at some point...

Hope you hear back about the job, soon, Cathey--keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

Jenn M said...

Wow, you really are rocketing through those charts! I hope your sewing machine comes to its senses soon.
Good luck with the job search; it always seems to take forever doesn't it?!

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

I hope you get the job!

Brigitte said...

Why not stitch such a cute design twice? I loved the first finish very much, it looks so perfect with the perfect fabric.
Sometimes we just need to stitch something small instead of a BAP. I love stitching on BAPs but the diadvantage is that you can become so addicted that you can't put it down. And so you don't have these little finishes every now and then.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Great job on the finish! Good luck with the job search.

Daffycat said...

The problems with your machine sound like tension issues. Not that I know anything about sewing. I had that same type problem and my sister said to adjust the I fiddled with it and it stopped. I still have no clue how I fixed it though!

Your newest finish is just as darling as the last!

ohiofarmgirl said...

Love the dog finish!!! So cute. I know what you mean about the job stuff...dh has applied at so many...I wishing you both luck. Dianntha

Barb said...

Your needle is smoking. Seven finishes already. The dog one is so cute. Good luck with the job application.

Crazee4books said...

Hi Cathey,

This is such a cute design. I'm
sure stitching it twice wasn't
a problem at all. And Lizzie
Kate designs always use such
gorgeous colors. Love the wee
bone charm that you've put on
your finish. Where did you find
it??? I must check and see if
there is a kitty design to match
this one.

Good luck with the job hunt. Hope
that you do get an interview and
ultimately the job itself.

Looking forward to seeing your
next finish, and don't worry
about starting Sabrina. She'll
still be there when you're
ready to start her. I think
you're wise to wait until you
are feeling better and can
really focus on her.

Hope that you had a great
Valentine's Day!!


Justflo said...

What a lot of finishes already. I'm rather a slow stitcher still never mind. Shame about you machine. The bobbin in mine jams occasionally and I find it has something to do with how the thread went on in the first place. There again it could just be having 'a bad day'. Hope you're sorted soon.
Love your icon we had two dachies many years ago called Susie and Shelly.


♥ Nia said...

I love that design, is so cute =) I love dogs as well :D And that bone charm is lovely!! :) You always have some special detail on your work :)

Good luck for your job application!! :D

Angela said...

I love your Dogs finish too :) I'll look forward to seeing your pillow finish with it!