Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eighth Finish For 2010

It seems kind of ironic that I chose to stitch this piece right now because it's the last thing I, and I'm sure quite a few of you out there too, want to do ;o) This is Winter Welcome by Hob Nobb Designs -


I just adore these little kits and have already stitched up three others in the past. This was my final one and I had just been waiting for the fabric to come along -


Unfortunately, the camera is refusing to capture the gorgeous blue. I used what was recommended - 28 count Mystic by Picture This Plus - but I had to go with Jubilee since they didn't give an option for Jazlyn (which I would have preferred).


I haven't attached the buttons yet and I won't until I get it framed. That way I know they are safe and sound in their padded container :o)

So if you were to check out my 2010 Goals in the Pumpkin Patch Graveyard, you'll see that I have one small and seven ornament pieces completed. Even though Winter Welcome will be framed, I still consider it an ornament size based on the stitch count and there's really nothing to it. What does this mean now? Yes, I'm going to finally start Sabrina and you'll see the number of completed projects come to a standstill ;o) I'm anxious to start her and hopefully she'll progress as nicely as Stargazer did.

Speaking of Mirabilia, did you see her new pattern, Lady Hera that just came out? Thankfully it's not for me and my wallet is off the hook ;o) Not entirely though...I am absolutely in love with Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow!!!! WOW! What a gorgeous piece. With the price of silks...that one just might have to wait :o(


Annie said...

Very cute. The color looks great (although I'm not sure what it would be in person). Love those buttons.

Tina said...

WOW, love this one ...it is so cute.

Parsley said...

Just beautiful...as always.

I have a question...Where did you buy your Lizzie Kate Dog Prints design? Online? I saw many I loved. I am also enjoying Little House Needleworks. Such cute patterns.

Ranae said...

Winter Welcome is such a cute piece.
Good Luck with the Cadbury eggs, lol you better get going, girl!

We want to see Birds and Berries get done.
Take Care!!

Marjorie said...

I love that fabric! I totally agree about Autumn at HRH--that is a must-have. Unfortunately I just blew major bucks on a pre-order for the new Goode Huswife book so I guess it will have to wait...

Anonymous said...

I love that design, think I have to check out hob nobbs

Blu said...

What an adorable piece! I love all the buttons! Never heard of Hob Nobb. I'm off to look at their catalog~ (Curse your enabling...)

Karen said...

That is so cute! Love it...

I like the Hawks series but have never had the desire to stitch one of them. I absolutely love the Autumn one and think I may have to add this one to my stash!

Barb said...

What a cute piece. Great job on it.

Irene said...

Love the finish, it is so cute !

Abi said...

Congratulations! Love the design!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Great finish! Those buttons are adorable!

Maybe while you're stitching Sabrina you can take a break now and again to do a small finish.....

WendyCarole said...

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh love it

Carol said...

You're right about not wanting to "Welcome Winter" any longer, Cathey!! We are up to 40" of snow for just the month of February...unbelievable. Love your finish though--especially on that blue fabric. You sure have had a productive 2010 so far :)

Anonymous said...

That is a very sweet project. Congratulations on a lovely finish.

Umm, I agree with you regarding the new Mirabilia. I love Sabrina, but this one just doesn't do it for me at all.

Daffycat said...

I love it! I don't mind the snow as long as it's stitched and I don't have to shovel it or drive in it!

Justflo said...

Hi there, Love the colours in this.

Pieces like this always make me smile, perjaps I'm supposed to be a snow person!!

Happy stitching to you

Brigitte said...

Congratualtions on this sweet little finish. And you are right, it seems a bit ironical in some way. But I can understand it. I don't love the winter at all, and the snow even less. But I love to stitch wintery designs. And I know that this is a bit strange, lol.

Leeland said...

So beautiful!!!
Love the new background on your blog.
Not surprised you're in love with the latest Hawk Run Hollow, so am I... Lol!

LisaG said...

I really LOVE this design, very cute.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

That is super cute!! Great job. I'm crazy over Autumn in HRH, too. I have a lot of the silks--NPI is my chosen drug--but I will keep watch on Needlecraft Corner's site to see when Drema marks down her NPIs for the rest.

Jenn M said...

What a sweet finish.
I think I'm in love and it's name is Autumn in Hawk Run Hollow. Oh my the temptation!

Cindy said...

Very cute finish! I am ready for winter to go away, though :)

I haven't been tempted by the other HRH pieces, but the Autumn one is definitely calling my name. I didn't realize they were done in silks, though...so that definitely changes things!

TammyK said...

I love Winter Welcome, the thread colors & material compliment each other so well. The buttons just set it off. Congrats on yet another finish this year :o)

stitcherw said...

Winter Welcome turned out adorable, I hadn't seen that design before. I love the fabric (with it being blue, surprise huh, LOL). Your earlier finish of Dogs to have for yourself was cute too, I like the bone charm you found for it.

Autumn at Hawk run is awesome. I've liked the ones they had earlier, but they weren't something I'd have done. This one though, yup I can see me doing Autumn (but then it does have some Halloween elements in it so again not a big surprise, I'm so predictable).

Sharon said...

What a lovely finish! I love it. I too like Autumn at HRH-but I think I would have to do dmc. The silk price is a big ouch! I considered Vikki Clayton-but I am having a customer service issue with her-not if I will order from her again.

Sharon said...

Forgot to add, have you seen the floss fairy kit by Nora-it's really pretty too.

Angela said...

What a super cute finish! I love the buttons :) I'm in love with Autumn at Hawk Run as well, it's not fair is it?! LOL.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

I love this one.
Be always in stitches.

Louise said...

This is adorable!! Love all things with snowmen..haven't seen this one. Love the buttons too :)


♥ Nia said...

Amazing!!! :D
I'm in love with this one!!

Alberta said...

Gorgeous blue! I think your snowmen are so cute...can't wait to see them all on display!