Saturday, January 02, 2010




Pictures are worth a thousand words -


Yup, my car is underneath there somewhere...

For some reason, Nova Scotia loves to have things done differently. Three of our four doors going to the outside swing outwards. Not a problem right? Maybe in a warmer climate but not up here in the north where you get lots of snow (at times) -


LOL! Luckily we have a new door on order and it's going to swing 'inwards' ;o)

This is our largest storm this winter. We had a small one right before the holidays, enough to say that we had a white Christmas but then we were back to green lawns. I now have to bite back my words. I bragged to my parents that we lived in God's country because we've had nothing but mild weather and they've been snowmobiling over there for about a month. It seems I'm paying for that now :o)

Enough of the "S" word. It's that time where I set my stitching goals for the upcoming year. Two years ago, I came up with the perfect formula. I found that it gave me the freedom I wanted but also something to work towards. If you check out the Pumpkin Patch & Co. Graveyard, you'll see that I achieved my 2009 goals by 100% and over! This year I'll use the same method but I've changed the numbers around a bit.

I'm still up in the air about my large project so I've narrowed down some of my choices and I'm going to list them in my sidebar. What I'd love you to do is tell me which one you'd like to see me stitch this year :o) I'll leave the survey up for a week to give everyone a chance to vote for their favourite.

My 2009 list of completed projects has been moved to the Pumpkin Patch & Co. Graveyard so if you'd like to see them at any time, just wander over there. When will my first 2010 project be revealed? Ha! Now that's a secret so you'll just have to keep coming by and checking ;o)

I hope everyone had fun welcoming in the New Year. I can honestly say that DH and I did! We ended up with our friends, T and K, as planned but the Wii wasn't brought out. Why? Because we ended up playing a FOUR HOUR game of the 90's version of Trivia Pursuit :o) I have never laughed so much in such a long time. And I've never stayed up until 3:30 am in a VERY long time! Oye. Needless to say, I'm still recuperating...


Annie said...

I can't believe how organized you are are. I just stitch what appeals to me at the moment.

Happy shoveling!

Carol said...

Too funny about the door opening to the outside, Cathey! What were the home designers thinking? We have about 6 inches of snow--just enough to make it look pretty...

Love playing Trivial Pursuit, too. Sounds like you had a great time!

Your 2010 goals look great--can't wait to see them come to life :)

Irene said...

WOW you are so organized. Like Annie I stitch whatever appeals to me at that moment. Maybe that's why I have so many UFO's *LOL*

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Don't you love it when MEN design doors? as far as the snow,,,I can't think of a nicer person to get it all...and now for the larger project,,,since you can't decide which you would like to do,I have an idea...Ready???
You could do my Little Girl In Red. It is just one of the HAED's in my stash,and man would that be so kind of you. lol
Happy New Years and for every shovel of snow spend an hour stitching so you can
Be always in stitches.

Marie said...

I love the pictures of the snow...I miss that white stuff.

Faith Ann said...

We're getting plenty of snow here too! It's definitely an old-fashioned blizzard... glad it's a weekend lol.

Oh my gosh, the doors open *outside*? I'd want to change that soon enough!

Parsley said...

Sounds like SO MUCH FUN! Except the door opening into the snow. That's just not fun.

Laural said...

It's been dumping snow here too. It's 1F (-17C) here right now :(
I can't believe they put doors on that open out! French doors, yes, every other kind of door, no.

I voted for Sabrina! Now I need to go and visit the graveyard.

Stitchabilities said...

Oh my look at that snow, I am gonna have to visit Canada when it's snowing, being able to build a snowman and snow angels and well can't you tell we don't get it like that.
Sounds like you had fun New years eve/day, I went to the cinema to see New Moon with DH as the kiddies were with grandparents.
I am gonna vote as soon as I have done this.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

YGG with the organization! I'll enjoy watching you meet your goals. Love the snow pics. It looks like a winter wonderland.

Cindy said...

That is too wild that the doors swing out!!

We have had plenty of snow here. Now we are in the deep freeze (-13F this morning).

stitcherw said...

Yup, that's a lot of snow. So far we haven't had to much, but it sure has been cold. Your options for a large new start are all lovely, but I voted for my favorite Santa of the forest. Looking forward to seeing which one you start,

Brigitte said...

Oh my, that's a lot of snow indeed. I'm not a snow person at all and the only good thing about snow is that one day it will melt away, lol.
Congratulations on reaching all your 2009 goals. Also your goals for this year sound doable. And a lot of fun.
Wisching you and your family all the best in 2010.

Rachel S-H said...

If it were not for that one door, you might be stuck! I'm like you, enough snow already. It is pretty though.

Daffycat said...

Wishing you all the best in 2010. Happy New Year, Cathey!

Ranae said...

Send me some snow, plueeeze!!!!
It's too cold here to snow, takes your breathe away

mumzy said...

Well, Sweetie, the snow has returned to our region. It has been snowing, then raining, and back to snow again since yesterday. Dad and I are glad that you have at least one exit door that works right.

I can't believe you stayed up that late. Hope you are fully recuperated by now. You even beat us on that one and you know we are night owls!

{{{Love and Hugs}}}

♥ Nia said...

I just saw your stitching album, beautiful works! :D
And I hope you reach your goals for 2010 ;) You go girl!! :D

Snow is rare in here! It's very cold but it's not usual to snow :p Who doesn't love watching those white pictures? :D It's cold but it's sooooo pretty! hahahaha

Warm hug to you :)

Barb said...

You can come organize my place anytime you want. I am not good at organizing I attempt and 5 minutes later it's chaoz again! You do have a lot of snow. We have a lot but it looks like you beat us.

Chiloe said...

Outward dorrs? Weird indeed especially for the snow.

I voted for your larger project : I'd like you to stitch lady of the threads but I saw I'm loosing right now ;-)

Hope you'll have a beautiful year ;-)