Thursday, December 10, 2009

Twelfth Finish For 2009

She's done! DONE, DONE, DONE! FINI! Here is My Lady's Quaker by Jardin Prive -


I'm a dancing machine :o) WOOHOO! Rock it baby! Cha-cha-cha...


I just LOVE her. I'm so happy with this finish and I can't wait to pair her up with the Gentleman Quaker. What a handsome couple they will be :o)


Funny thing is, I feel so lost at this moment :o( This is how I usually feel after finishing a project and I don't know why. I know most people are really happy to see the end coming but not me. Yes, I'm a weird duck. LOL!

I really do want to dive into the Gentleman Quaker BUT...I have yet to stitch anything Christmassy and I wouldn't mind doing a few of those things first. Goodness knows I have a list a couple of countries long of projects I want to do.

But then I look at my WIP pile and wonder if I should bring one or two of them out to work on. I mean, we're in the last month of the year so maybe that's what I should concentrate on. Ugh! What to do, what to do...


Tammy said...

As all things in life, follow your heart! Do what will make you happiest.

Gorgeous finish.

Danielle said...

The quaker looks fab! Can't wait to see the gentleman one finished. And why not start something new and Christmassy? I'm sure you could finish an ornament or two.

Irene said...

She's beautiful ! Love the colors you used.

Parsley said...

Lovely job! What to do...don't you wish you could grow a second set of arms to stitch 2 projects at a time?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! I love her, please send her to me? Thankyouverymuch ;o)

TammyK said...

She's totally gorgeous! Love your Christmasy background :o)

Annie said...

I say better to have too many projects calling your name than none at all.

She is just gorgeous so you sit back and stare at her for a while til you pick a new project.

LisaG said...

My Lady looks fabulous, congrats on your finish. Will you wait until you finished Gentleman before getting them framed?

As for what to stitch next, go with what makes you the most excited :-)

Alberta said...

Cathey, what a spectacular Lady....why not celebrate by relaxing and enjoying the season! 2010 will be here soon often with new challenges.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Sharon said...

She looks so gorgeous! Congrats! Thanks too for the ideas on how to fill out the space on Snow Joe!

Blu said...

Wow! She looks amazing. I love the greens and reds in her skirt. I'm not one for quakers but I'm really tempted to stitch just her...

PS. I spent about 5 minutes trying to wipe my monitor free of white dots before I realized that they are drifting mini flakes from your layout!

Mel said...

Quaker looks amazing!
I would encourage you to pick up a WIP. ;)

mumzy said...

Sweetie you did a wonderful job on the Quaker Lady, but then you always do.

{{{Love and Hugs}}}

♥ Nia said...

So beautiful!!! =) Congratulations! Amazing work!!!
Oh I was missing your blog, I had some busy days =/ I'm happy to be here again :D
I know that feeling... and look to the wip pile... well just do what feel like, what makes you happier :) If there's something on the pile next year... it won't spoil or run away ;) lol!!

Karen said...

Very pretty! I love your I'm feeling guilty for abandoning mine. Will have to pull it out and try to finish before the end of the year.

Rowyn said...

Quaker Lady is beautiful. A very gorgeous finish! Can't wait to see Quaker Gentleman.

Stitchabilities said...

Oh just stunning, I am gonna have to kit mine up to start in the New year!!
Start whatever you fancy stitching on,whatever calls out the loudest

Karen said...

wow thats a fab finish , I may need to get these charts one day

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, she's stunning!! The colours are just so beautiful!!

Carol said...

I honestly thing that your finish of the Quaker Lady is the most lovely one that I've seen--congratulations! If I ever decide to stitch her--I would love to have the list of colors that you used...

Jenn M said...

Beautiful, as always :)

stitcherw said...

Quaker Lady looks wonderful, I love the colors you chose. Your earlier posting of Snowman in a Box was great, what a cutie. Fun picture of Duncan as well, he certainly looks to be enjoying his bed.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Woohoo!! Congratulations on a beautiful finish.

Daffycat said...

Such a beautiful finish, Cathey! Congratulations!

I usually feel at odds when I've just finished a favored project. Sometimes it makes it hard to choose a new design to stitch.

Lisa said...

Your Quaker Woman is beautiful! I love the colors and have enjoyed watching your progress. I know that feeling...the one you get when you finish something. I don't like to see the end sometimes, depending on what I am stitching and the amount of time I have put into it...sometimes, when the stitching gets slow at the end, I think that I am actually sabotaging the end.
Well, just take a little breathe while looking through the Christmas designs and your WIP...something will "jump out at you" and say "stitch me".

Laural said...

I love it!! Great job!

Stitcher said...

Beautiful finish!! Love the pink in it! :o)

Leeland said...

She's amazing! Have you sent a pic of her to Nathalie, the designer of Jardin PrivΓ©? I'm sure she would love to see your finish...

Aussie Stitcher said...

I am so glad that the thread matched. She looks wonderful, congratulations on the finish.

lenna said...

Pumpkin ~
She is beautiful ~ all done.
You are not weird I also feel lost after I have spent months stitching something. I don't know where to start, or what to start on for at least a day. It always makes me sad to end a piece. Like I don't have millions I could work on.
I look forward to your
Quaker Gentleman.
Again she is just stunning! Congratulations!
God Bless ~
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