Friday, December 04, 2009

Mini Me

When I thought about making a smaller version of myself, I never thought it would turn out like this -


LOL! This was one of the projects I was working on while My Lady's Quaker has been on hiatus. Isn't he/she cute?


This has been my second attempt at needle-felting and I really love it! Of course I wasn't too pleased when DH said it looked like an orange apple >:o( Granted that was before I added the finishing touches...but still. I've got enough orange wool to do two or three more pumpkins but I'm going to put that aside for now.

I've been playing with my Blog background, trying to find something festive for the holiday season. What do you think of this one? I don't know about you, but I find it so frustrating trying to find something that appeals and feels like me. I've been so bummed out since I lost my pumpkin background and I haven't been able to find another one since. They either have Happy Halloween or Happy Fall and I want something for The Patch that I can keep up year round. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?

SQUEAL!!!! I just got back from getting the mail and guess what was waiting for me? My Chimney Dust thread! Anita is a life SA-VOUR! From what I can tell, the dye lots look pretty similar so hopefully once I start stitching again, it will be close enough that you can't tell. Fingers crossed :o)


mumzy said...

Wow Cathey, I love the mini pumpkin. It is just adorable, wished you would have shown me that when we were at your place.

Your background is really appropriate for the festive season and it is like something that speaks you.

{{{Love and Hugs}}}

Annie said...

Your little felted pumpkin is adorable. Looks just like you ;-)

And this is a very cute background. Love the reindeer.

Have fun sweeping up chimney dust!

Rachel S-H said...

that little pumpkin is ADORABLE! LOVE IT! I like the background too.

BTW, I am trying to get you a copy of the Peace Bunny from my blog. Someone may be sending me that, if you would like to have it

Parsley said...

Love the pumpkin! I want instructions on how to make one. So cute!

Anonymous said...

That looks soooo cute!! How in hte world do you make something like that????? Can't wait to see your Lady all finished!

JOLENE said...

Hi Pumpkin,

Your "mini me" version is so sweet, young and innocent looking!!! Great job, I have never tried needlefelting before, looks fun. Have a great weekend!!

Chiloe said...

I did the same as you: looked around to find the right design but haven't found one that I really love . I saw the one you are using. I like it .

The mini Me is great: I love it !!!!

Marjorie said...

I love your little pumpkin! I know what you mean about blog backgrounds, I play around with mine all the time (I get bored easily).

Alberta said...

I simply love your new background...but that mini pumpkin is so cute, I want to pinch its cheeks!

Tammy said...

The little pumpkin is adorable.

I really like your new background. It is cute without being campy-like.

LisaG said...

Really loving your mini me, I've never tried needle felting myself but have seen it done & it's soooo fascinating. Well done you on mastering it :-)

Carol said...

YAY! I'm glad your Chimney Dust arrived; I'll bet you can't wait to finish off your Quaker Lady piece

I have no idea how to do felting, but your pumpkin turned out darling. It looks so soft. Was it difficult to figure out?

Blu said...

Wow Cathey! The mini pumpkin is just adorable! And the leaves are such a cute touch.
And glad to see the floss is all sorted.
Sooooo...... where's the Lady?

Irene said...

The Mini Me looks wonderful !

Cindy said...

I think that your little pumpkin is adorable! I have learned that male members of the household aren't always as appreciative of crafty things, so I usually try to avoid soliciting an opinion...LOL!

I would love to try needle felting, but haven't had the right opportunity yet.

Your background is cute. I'm afraid I can't recommend any alternatives for year round display, since I seem to have the same problem myself :)

ohiofarmgirl said...

Yes, I love the little pumpkin too...and your background is cute...I always have trouble finding ones I like too. Dianntha

Lori said...

your Pumpkin is adorable,Cathy!! Hope you've been feeling well.

Carol R said...

Cathey - I have emailed you twice but both times it's been returned to me.

Love your needle-felt pumpkin!

Brigitte said...

Oh, it's so cute, your little pumpkin. I have no idea how needle felting works but the result is gorgeous.

Karen said...

love that pumpkin

Daffycat said...

Goodness, that pumpkin is sooo darling! Men, what do they know? LOL

I know there is a way to use your own photo as the background. Maybe you can find a lovely pile of pumpkins and figure it out?

stitcherw said...

I love the mini pumpkin, very cute. Glad you got the thread too, looking forward to seeing the next update of Quaker Lady.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Your mini me is adorable!!

I feel your pain about finding an appropriate background. I could spend hours searching for something that I feel is 'me'. I like your background--very nice!

Stitchabilities said...

Awwww that is soooo cute!!
and I do like your blog layout, If I see any Pumpkin backgrounds I'll let you know

Sharon said...

Your pumpkin is adorable Cathey! Great job.

Shannon said...

Absolutely adorable ! I'd love to learn how to do that. Can't wait to see what you come up with next !

♥ Nia said...

It's so perfect!!! And adorable! =)
Your second attempt?!?! it's really perfect!
You have the touch! Fairy hands! :D

Stitcher said...

I love that little punkin!!! And the leaf is so cute too!