Friday, September 11, 2009

Today I Had My Fill...

Of Doxie love that is! Yes, I did say Doxies :o)


If you read my previous post, you'll remember me saying how fate seemed to be playing a part in my life. Well, after today, I know it really is. Let me explain...

Last weekend I was on the internet and I decided I would just do a search and see if there were any Doxie breeders close by. I didn't have my hopes up because when we adopted Brie, there were very few in The Maritimes. To my surprise, there were at least three in NS that were breeding smooth haired minis.

I went to the first website and found out that they were about 2.5 hours away. Her dogs were beautiful and so I emailed her. The second website led me to a lady that was living only ten minutes away from me! I emailed her as well and anxiously waited for replies.

Both women answered me and were very understanding of my loss. It was nice to talk dogs with both of them. During our emails, I came to find out that they both knew the breeder that DH and I adopted Brie from. The lady close to me even stated that she had one of her dogs. She gave me her phone number and invited me over to meet the dogs.

So that's what I did today :o) When I walked in the door, I was surrounded by minis of all colors. There were reds, piebalds, a black and tan and even a chocolate. It was little B that caught my eye. The breeder had just bought her from a breeder in BC. She was just a pup but full of that Doxie badness that I love so much. A lot of what she did reminded me of Brie. What I didn't know was how close to Brie I really was...

I knew ahead of time that her black and tan came from the same breeder that Brie came from due to her registered name. When I inquired about how old she was, the breeder looked it up and told me she was born on April 11, 2004. I lost my breath. Right before me was Brie's full sister. The same sibling that I saw when we picked up Brie and actually, the one I originally picked out before Brie decided to pick me.

Is this fate? Something lead me to this woman and her dogs. There's a litter due on September 23 (our wedding anniversary) and I can't wait to see the puppies :o) I'll just leave it at that and take it one day at a time like I was asked to do...


Daffycat said...

Oh Cathey, have fun getting ready to get a new puppy. I hope you will be able to visit the puppies when they are born...and take photos?

We got Taco less than a month after losing Daffy. It just wasn't home, ya know?

Dee said...

From one Doxie lover to another, your story is wonderful! I was gifter 3 years ago with a long haired standard dachshund who has recently been diagnosed with leukemia. For my birthday, my hubby gifted me with my second doxie..a red short haired mini. I am totally smitten with the breed now! I can't wait to see what one you bring home when the time is right. (My sympathies on Brie as well).

Anonymous said...

wow I would say that is fate!! You will need to post the puppies pictures when you go back!! I luv them when they are so little!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a story. {{{Cathey}}}

JOLENE said...

Wow, it's destiny I tell ya. You need to adopt one of the soon to be newbies!! I smell anniversary gift, somehow I think having a baby with the same colors as Brie would somehow ease your sorrow and bring a huge smile to your face!!! I really, really, really hope you have the opportunity to add a new member to your family real soon.

Karen said...

oh boy you are as bad as us lol it's great news that you found Bries sister

Anonymous said...

Oooh, that just gave me goosebumps... I just know there'll be more to this story... Take care!!

Chiloe said...

You're right: it's fate !!!!!! Let's hope DH will see fate as well ;-)

Aussie Stitcher said...

Cathey I have just read your post about Brie, please know how very sorry I am that you and your DH had to make this incredibly difficult decision. I feel your pain Dear Friend, please take some comfort knowing that I am thinking of all of you during this time. Focus on the good times that you had with Brie. It is amazing that Brie's sister lives so close to you. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Unknown said...

How sweet...good for you Dianntha

TammyK said...

I hope everything works out for ya. Would love to see baby Doxie pics too :o)

Tammy said...

My goodness woman! The tears I shed for you are many. These are mixed feelings tears. Tears of hope, heartache, missing puppy tears, and tears of what might be.

Thinking of you always.


Cindy said...

That is such a cool story :) Is it Brie's sister that is having the puppies? I hope that all works out and you can add one to your family!

WendyCarole said...

Guess you are meant to have another.

Alberta said...

Seems powers we can not see are at work for you! :)

Annie said...

That is so exciting. I'm glad to hear a little good news from you. Hopefully things will only get better and maybe your household will be filled with a little hot dog again.

Olga said...

Cathey, this is an amazing story!I hope new member of the family makes your home a happy place again.

Sharon said...

How awesome is that? Definitely destiny!

Sharon said...

((((Cathey)))) what a wonderful story, so glad you got to meet Brie's sister. Can't wait to see pics and hear stories of Doxie pups. I love my Sparky and someday I hope to have another, they are just so sweet.

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Cathey, I don't know if I've ever posted on your blog before, but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about Brie. I have a pup that I love more than I ever thought I could love an animal, and I can only imagine your pain. I loved the story of your getting to see Brie's sister... maybe it was Brie sending you a special hug from the Rainbow Bridge, hoping to ease your sorrow. Big hugs.

Bonnie said...

That really sounds like fate to me. I lost my best friend Gump a year ago and I would love to find another that looks like him. I would like to share this site with you. It has really helped me a lot.

I have a candle lit for him on his own special page.

Rachel S-H said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed. I am so happy for you! Fate works in mysterious ways.

Suzanne said...

How cool is that! Keep us posted on what happens. My heart has just been breaking for you.