
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Eighteen Down...32 More To Go!

BAM! BAM! Here's the third square to Spring Snapperland...the Coop by Bent Creek -

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I hate French knots. Do you know how many French knots are in this piece???? NINE! I did them though. I figured I would have some pretty funky chickens if I didn't give them eyes ;o)

Here is another progress picture with the other two squares -

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Irene asked me what fabric I am using for this piece and as far as I know it's 32 count Smokey Pearl linen. I bought my Spring Snapperland kitted from Needlecraft Corner. I hope this helps :o)

Sharon wants to know how long it takes me to stitch each Snapperland and that's a hard question to answer since I don't keep track of hours, only days. For Winter Snapperland it took on average about three days to complete each box. I didn't really keep a good track of that one so it's a bit of guesswork :o) It looks like I have been a little slower with Spring Snapperland. Each box is taking me about four to five days to complete. I would say that being back to work has been a factor in this.

Terri has raised a very good question for me. She wants to know what I'm going to do about the colors in the border. Believe it or not, I didn't know because I didn't even look at those colors. When I looked at them last night, I was quite surprised! Brown flowers do not remind me of spring. I will definitely be changing them now and I'll keep my choices secret until it's time to reveal the completed project ;o)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Seventeen Down...33 More To Go!

BAM! I present to you...Hive by Bent Creek -

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I just love that little bee :o)

This is what the project looks like so far -

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I would have to say that I like this one over the Winter Snapperland so far. I'll have to wait until the border is complete to give my final verdict though :o)

I won't go into details about the weekend. Let's just say that doing my taxes did not make for a very happy day and I really need to win a million dollars. Okay, just a hundred thousand. All right, all right...ten thousand. I'd be happy with ten thousand ;o)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Sights/Smells Of Spring.

Grass. The snow is going and we have grass showing now! I shouldn’t complain or be surprised because winter never really started until February. The snow we got was minimal compared to other places but grass is always one of the first signs of spring for me. Ask me again in a few months just how much I like grass and it will be a very different story though ;o)

Skunks. I swear they plan and co-ordinate when they will all appear from their winter dens. Their smell permeates the air with their own Eau De PU. We have one that hangs around our house every summer and the sadistic little bugger will “let go” on the hottest and most humid nights. You know, the ones where you “have” to keep the windows open :o(

Deer. Lots and lots of deer. They pepper the fields in large numbers, looking for the new grass growth. It’s an amazing sight to see large herds of them. They are such a beautiful creature.

Cow Poop. Yes, you heard me right :o) Since we live in “the country” we get to enjoy this smell about four months out of the year. With the melting of the snow it soon becomes time to spread that juicy cow concoction on the fields, fertilizing them for the year. Mm, mm, good :oP

Robins. I’m amazed that I have not seen one yet. Usually they have arrived by now. Maybe they just don’t like my yard ;o) Their huge red bellies are so pretty against the raw colors of a disappearing winter.

Dog Poop. You can’t think spring without that smell coming to mind :o) I don’t know if it’s “actually” dog poop. How can you smell dog poop everywhere you go? Maybe it is. I don’t know. There sure is a lot of spring poop going on!

Bunnies. I LOVE bunnies! L-O-V-E! Unfortunately the only ones I have seen have been flattened on the road :o( But seeing their white fur turning to brown reminds me that winter is on the way out.

Chocolate. The stores become filled with this heavenly smell for Easter. Just go down one of the isles and breathe deeply. Very deeply! Ahhhh… Oh sweet sweet dark master, you have such a hold on me :o)

Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm Ready For My Close-Up, Mr. DeMille

This is Brie with her hair up :o)

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This is Brie hamming it up for the camera :o)

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sixteen Down...34 More To Go!

I finally dug out Spring Snapperland by Bent Creek and here's the Cottage -

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The whole design won't be done before spring, obviously, but I hope to have it done, at least, before spring is over :o) At this rate, I think it's possible.

Today is the first day of spring so it's only fitting that Spring Snapperland is in the works. I wish I could say something more positive about the weather outside. We still have snow although it's much less than what we had before. The heavy rains on the weekend took away a good portion of it. The temperatures are still cool though. On the positive side, green grass is starting to emerge!

I've been down the past few days with another bout of vertigo :o( I swear, this has got to be the worst ailment I've had. I should have known it was coming because on Sunday I had told DH that I was feeling very weird. It never fails and so far I have not learned to recognize the early warning signs. I'm feeling much better today but I sure could go for a huge plate of Chinese food :o)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

All Points Bulletin!

News Flash...70,000 pounds worth (monetary not weight) of Cadbury Eggs have been stolen! Story here.

I guess I should find a better hiding spot for mine ;o)

Okay, seriously, if anyone has any information on this or the whereabouts of these eggs, PLEASE...EMAIL ME!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Fifteen Down...35 More To Go!

Think Pink by Lizzie Kate is done! Woohoo!

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I just love the way the variegated threads turned out on this one :o) I actually completed this on Friday but just never had the chance to post before this. It was a fun project to stitch although I'm not sure how I'm going to finish it yet. I love the pillow that was made for the model piece but mine won't look as good as that! I'm going to have to put on my thinking cap....

This past week and weekend were extremely busy for me. I'm almost ashamed that I haven't posted since last Wednesday. I think it was the fact that I scared so many readers with my underwear post ;o) Honestly guys, it was just a bit of kicks and giggles. LOL!

To update everyone on the LTD/work issue, LTD came back saying they wanted an IME (Independent Medical Exam) and it was to be by a doctor of their choice. On Friday, I went in for this exam and DH went with me. I believe the visit went very well. There was no denying the fact that I have Fibromyalgia or Mitral Valve Prolapse. I was good and tired for the exam seeing that I was up at 4 am that morning and unable to get back to sleep. Since I also had to work before the exam, the fatigue was very apparent by the time I got to my appointment. It will probably be a couple of weeks before we know anything more but we're hoping we are one more step closer to having this whole thing over with.

On Saturday, I finished cleaning my computer/craft room and I'm SO happy to have a spotless space again! I cannot tell you the last time it was cleaned. There were dust bunnies the size of Brie in there! LOL! Now, this room is quite small and it took a good two days for me to do all the work. I paid for it though because the pain was almost unbearable :o( DH and I plan to do the whole house in stages but he's going to be doing most of the work. I've got the spring cleaning bug ;o)

On Sunday, we met up with DH's parents for breakfast up at Smitty's. My SIL, BIL and nephew were there too. It's been awhile since I've seen the little guy and I was shocked to see that he's got FOUR teeth! I'm told he is quite the little biter though ;o) I can never get over how happy this child is and we were at the restaurant for an hour and a half. DH is jealous though because our nephew has already earned his first paycheck and he's not even a year old yet :o)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What Is Victoria's Secret Anyway?

I’m getting dressed for work this morning and I’m almost ready to go out the door when I realize the fact that if I were to bend over my underwear is going to show. Not an attractive sight when you’re wearing low rider jeans. So, I quickly run to change when I realize that the underwear I want is among a huge pile of laundry that has accumulated over the past two weeks. Now even though it was all stuffed and stacked in the basket, it was done in an orderly fashion. Enter DH this morning and chaos has hit like an explosion, sending bits of clothes here and there, therefore disrupting the organized mess. The ones I’m looking for are not where they are supposed to be, making my morning more rushed than necessary. Thankfully, I located the little buggers. People can rest easy now when they look at my ass ;o)

What type of underwear do you like? A very personal question I know but hey, about 90% of the population wears them. The other 10% I’m assuming are going commando. Myself, I’m very particular about what I like. Very particular! Don’t ask me why but everything has to be plain white. White, white, white. No prints, no colors, no stripes, no frills. White. I prefer cotton but will go with a bit of Lycra if I have to. DH calls them my “Granny Undies” but hey, they’re comfortable and I’m the one wearing them after all. I have ventured into the boy short style panties and they aren’t too bad, but my heart is still with plain old white cotton undies that don’t bunch up into my behind :o)

Thongs. To be brutally honest, I hate them. Who, in their right mind, invented them? LOL! I’d like to meet the sadistic person who came up with the idea. Why would someone love to go around with a piece of string up their butt crack? I know, I know! There are some women who love them and like the fact that they do not get a panty line but there is seamless underwear out there now. My hat is off to those that can pull it off and who enjoy wearing one though :o)

I also hate underwear shopping. Give me a root canal any day ;o) What makes things so frustrating is when I find something that I like, it becomes discontinued later down the road :o( Argh! And let’s be even more honest…I’m not a size 2 anymore. Hey, maybe if I were, I wouldn’t mind wearing all those cute styles that are out there now. What makes things more difficult is the fact that you cannot really try underwear on before you buy it. I realize that it wouldn’t be very hygienic if you could but how are you supposed to get the right feel or style? You know those stockings they have when you try on shoes? Maybe they should come up with an underwear condom :o)

So in the end it all comes down to this…here’s to Granny Undies everywhere! No frills. Cheers :o)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Fourteen Down...36 More To Go!

I hate to say it but I'm still on the pink ribbon bandwagon ;o) On Friday, I completed another piece. This is Where There Is Life by Little House Needleworks -

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I am SO in love with this design! It's absolutely gorgeous and the picture does not do it justice! The threads are so soft, the fabric is a dream to work with and the verse is beautiful. This was a joint effort between LHN and Crescent Colors and all the proceeds from the kit are being donated to breast cancer education and awareness programs. There is only one shop that carries it so contact Elegant Stitch for yours :o) You will not be sorry.

The weekend wasn't bad but I have NO idea where it went. On Saturday, we headed down to the ocean to spend the day with DH's parents. DH had to bring some plywood down for his dad and while he was there, he helped with the latest batch of wine on the go :o) I spent the afternoon with my MIL and she taught me how to sew a new project! Unfortunately I cannot divulge what it is but I will definitely post a picture once it has been received. Sewing for me is always a bit nerve racking but with the super easy instructions that my MIL typed up, I should have no problems doing one on my own. I was also in heaven when she gave me three pillow covers that I can CROSS STITCH ON! Woohoo! The fabric is basically a blown up version of an evenweave (although this material is much thicker) so it's ideal. It works out to be 10 count over one or 5 count over two. I'm going to be on the search for the perfect patterns now :o)

Since DH did all the driving this time, I dug out my travel project, Noah's Crew by Imaginating. I fell in love with this piece when I saw a picture of it and a very kind soul sent me the pattern for free! Thank you Ann :o) The frame has been bought and received so now I just have to stitch everything up. On this trip I completed the rabbit :o) I'm sorry I don't have a better picture. He is so cute -

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This new Daylight Savings Time that we have been put on has reeked havoc on my inner clock :o( I'm a bit more tired than usual, if that's even possible! I slept half of Sunday away and the rest was basically curled up on the couch with DH and Brie watching movies :o) DH is finally getting over his cold and I seemed to have caught the last bit of it but thankfully it wasn't bad. I took a good dose of Cold FX and I really think it worked.

Today it's back to the grind and reality. I was pleasantly surprised to find a package full of Dragon Floss when I got home though!

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Aren't they gorgeous???? Thanks Sue!

At least I can say it's a little warmer outside, the sun is shinning and the days are going to be longer :o)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

How To Save A Life

I really love this song. I first heard it last year when I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. It's by The Fray and if you haven't heard it before, it's definitely worth a listen. The lyrics read -

"step one you say we need to talk
he walks you say sit down it's just a talk
he smiles politely back at you
you stare politely right on through
some sort of window to your right
as he goes left and you stay right
between the lines of fear and blame
and you begin to wonder why you came

where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
somewhere along in the bitterness
and I would have stayed up with you all night
had I known how to save a life

let him know that you know best
cause after all you do know best
try to slip past his defense
without granting innocence
lay down a list of what is wrong
the things you've told him all along
and pray to God he hears you

where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
somewhere along in the bitterness
and I would have stayed up with you all night
had I known how to save a life

as he begins to raise his voice
you lower yours and grant him one last choice
drive until you lose the road
or break with the ones you've followed
he will do one of two things
he will admit to everything
or he'll say he's just not the same
and you'll begin to wonder why you came

where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
somewhere along in the bitterness
and I would have stayed up with you all night
had I known how to save a life"

The song is about an adult that is trying to help out a troubled teen but just doesn't know how. The band states that even though this story was the original intent, the lyrics are open for interpretation.

Have you ever saved a life? Do you know someone that has? The only person I can think of is my dad. He saved the life of his friend. It was a couple of summers ago and they were working outside on one of their many projects down at the lake. Luckily Dad noticed the early signs of a heart attack and eventually convinced his friend to go to the hospital. It was a good thing too because his friend was willing to shake it off and continue working!

Do you know someone whose life has been saved? Has someone ever saved your life? My life was saved when I was around two years old. I walked off the end of the wharf at our cottage and sank to the bottom of the lake. A neighbor happened to notice and he jumped in, clothes and all, to bring me back up. Hence the reason why I hate water but then again, if you sink like a stone I don't believe you were meant to be a great swimmer ;o)

Saving a life doesn't necessarily mean saving someone from death. There are other ways that you can save someone's life, as pointed out in the song. Try donating food or winter coats to your local shelter or become a Big Brother or Big Sister. Imagine the impact you could have on a child's life further down the road. There are not only human lives to be saved but animals as well. Just dropping by your local SPCA and donating some dog or cat food would be greatly appreciated.

There have been a few times that I have saved the life of an animal. I'm always on the lookout when driving now after rescuing a poor little dog that was hit by a car and left in the middle of the road :o( I have never saved a human life though, not that I know of. I've seen death in action once and I can't even begin to explain the feeling of helplessness that overcomes you. I received bad news last night that a dear friend, and fellow breast cancer survivor, has lung cancer and that helplessness has returned. How can such a thing happen to such a wonderful woman (she has basically outfitted Brie with all her lovely bandanas). If I could save her life...I would.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thirteen Down...37 More To Go!

After seeing all these finishes, I know what you're thinking and all you can say is...WOW! I KNOW! My needles have been smokin' :o) This cute little design is the Awareness Ribbon Christmas Ornament by Dragonfly Stitches -

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I changed the DMC colors to 604 and 986 and instead of individual pink stitches; I substituted Mill Hill beads (#02005). I really like the effect. Now I just need to figure out a way to finish it. I have loads of breast cancer fabric so I might use that somehow.

I was so excited yesterday when the mail showed up. My Think Pink kit by Lizzie Kate arrived :o) Unfortunately it won't be started right away because I'm missing three of the four specialty thread colors. Figures! :o( This kit is a limited edition of 500, with the profits donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, so therefore it falls under the Charity/Donations exemption ;o)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Twelve Down...38 More To Go!

It looks like I'm on a pink ribbon crusade! LOL! Another one crossed off the list :o) This is I Can Survive! (Pink Ribbon Swirls) by Count Your Blessings -

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They were on the same chart so I figured why not stitch them at the same time! I really like the effect of this one and I hope to convince Dad to make me a round frame for it :o) We will see how charming I can be, lol!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Eleven Down...39 More To Go!

Seeing that I just had my mammogram, I thought this was quite appropriate at the moment :o) This is I Can Survive! (Whimsical Girl) by Count Your Blessings -

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See what I mean? ;o) I want to thank those who left such wonderful and supportive comments on my Blog since yesterday. It really means a lot! I am dealing with things at my own rate. I'm trying to calm my nerves and reassure myself that it is just scar tissue. DH and I have agreed that he will come with me in August and hopefully we'll avoid this whole thing next time.

This is the second time that I have stitched I Can Survive! (Whimsical Girl). I made the first one into a pillow tuck and sent it down to a wonderful friend/fellow survivor who lives in the US. I plan on doing the same with mine when I get a chance to sit down and sew.

It has turned out to be a good weekend for stitching. We got hit with a good snowstorm on Friday and it left us with about 4-5 inches of snow. Today was a beautiful sunny day and quite warm so hopefully that sun will melt the snow fast and get it out of here! LOL!

Poor DH is down with a cold :o( I've been good at staying away from him so hopefully, knock on wood; I will avoid the whole thing. He is quite pitiful when he's sick but he deserves to be since he has to deal with me like that for 365 days of the year ;o)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Freshly Squeezed

Yup, "the girls" went in for their annual mammogram today. If they had been a couple of oranges, there would have been a pitcher full of juice at the end of my appointment! LOL! Men have NO idea how lucky they are. Although it looks like I have another good mammogram, it wasn't without stress let me tell you :o(

I was so excited when I got to the hospital because there was no waiting and that's something in itself! I should have known better though. When I got to the waiting area for the mammogram, the lady ahead of me informed me that she had been there for three hours. Great! Well, that's not exactly the word I said in my head ;o) She was right though. After they finished squeezing, squishing and squashing "the girls" it was going on the third hour. By this time I was already in a stressful state from being called back into the room three times for more pictures.

Once the last pictures were taken, I was told I had to go for an ultrasound. What? This wasn't scheduled. The stress level rose even higher. When the doctor came in the room to do the procedure she asked if I had felt the lump. WHAT? The stress level officially went through the roof! Thankfully after a bit of talking I came to realize the "mass" she was referring to. This area has been a bit of a concern the past couple of years but they keep assuring me it's just scar tissue from the two surgeries. This time the "mass" looked even denser so I have to go back in six months for another mammogram. So much for year of peace. Sigh!

So now "the girls" are home and we're settled in for the big storm tonight. I picked up some movies on the way home so we're good to go! Hopefully we don't get too much snow but I'd rather March come in like a lion than go out like one :o)