
Friday, September 29, 2006

Can A Man (Er, Woman) Really Be An Island?

What a day! It was officially my second day back at work after being on LTD for two years. Yes, two years of sitting on the sofa, watching movies and stitching! What could be sweeter ;o) It's nice being around humans again but to be brutally honest, I can do without the socialization. Now it's back to the real world, just like every other sap out there and it stinks. I like my pretend world much better, LOL!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on an island? Would you want to live on one year round or just in the summer? What items would you most like to have with you? A number of years ago, I traveled up to 1000 Islands where my relatives have a cottage. As the name would suggest, there are thousands of island that dot the water. Some are a fair size and then there are ones that are so tiny.... Well, you can see what I mean :o)

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Believe it or not, but that whole house is basically it's own island! How would you like to walk out your front door one morning while you were still half asleep? LOL!

I've always said I would have no problem living on an island and I believe I would be happy with the peace and tranquility that solitude would provide. On my island I would want the following -
  • my husband (you know I have to put this one first ;o) )
  • my animals
  • a humble but cute/quaint house
  • a fireplace
  • solar electricity
  • lots, and I mean LOTS, of cross stitching supplies
  • a camera
  • a computer with internet access
  • a good supply of chocolate, dark of course
  • and last, but not least, a Coke slushy machine!
As our society progresses, it's all about possessions. What you have and how much you have of it. It's sad really but we all get sucked in. DH and I go through the house almost every year and end up with a pile of stuff that we don't like or need anymore. Why do we buy it in the first place? Why can't we say no to buying that cute little something that we don't know what to do with but it's just too good to pass up?

The girls have been talking about cutting back on their stash buying and I think that really makes sense. I know for me, I have my own personal store at home and enough projects to last my next ten lives! I want to jump on that bandwagon as well so here is what I propose.... I will not buy any stash from October 1 until retreat weekend which starts on November 3. This is my promise and you have it in writing girls :o)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Do You Believe In Resolutions?

Since this Blog is partly about me and my hobbies, I guess I had better touch on my cross stitching then! I would love to rant and scream about my nightmare with LTD (Long Term Disability) but I don't think my readers would find that as interesting ;o)

This was the first year that I planned my stitching. Usually, I will stitch whatever I fancy but I thought I would try something different. One of my New Year's resolutions was to keep a daily journal. I had been reading my grandfather's own journals from the 1960s and 70s and it really inspired me to try my own. I got as far as March and then the journal got forgotten. My Dad ended up in the hospital and that took all the energy I had just to worry about him and my Mom :o( Anyway, when I first started the journal, I also started my 2006 Stitching Goal List and to be honest, I'm pretty happy with my dedication there. I was lead astray, MANY TIMES (and you know who you are!), but I kept going back to that list and here's what I accomplished so far -

  • The Quiltmaker by Lavender & Lace (this is the second time I stitched this piece) - DONE!
  • Angel Of Grace by Lavender & Lace (for me) - DONE!
  • Blossom Harvest by Mirablia (for me)
  • Winter Snapperland by Bent Creek (for me) - DONE!
  • Spring Medley by Heart In Hand (for me) - DONE!
  • Autumn Medley by Heart In Hand (for me)
  • I Love Flowers by Jeremiah Junction (gift) - WIP
  • Grandma by Jeremiah Junction (gift)
  • I Love Quilting by Hob Nobb Designs (gift) - DONE!
  • I Love Cross Stitching by Hob Nobb Designs (for me)
  • Giggles In The Snow (girl) by Mirabilia (for me) - WIP
So, all in all, I think a list works out fairly well. Will I do it again for 2007? I'm not sure. Ask me again in a few months ;o)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I Surrender!!!!

Okay, they finally talked me into it! I've been reading Katie and Faith Ann's Blogs for awhile now and after many harrassing emails, I have decided to join the ranks ;o) This is my first ever Blog so please be nice.

I named my Blog Pumpkin Patch & Co. for a couple of reasons. One, my nickname is Pumpkin and it has been that way for over 11 years now. Yes, over the years I may have 'grown' into that shape but I was given this nickname by my DH out of affection and a way to cut down on the confusion with two Cathys in the family :o) The other reason I went with this name is that I will not only write about myself but I will write about my DH and our other family members as well.

Our family consists of three other members. Dill Pickles, or just Pickles for short, is my bunny that I adopted from the SPCA back in March of 1999. He is now 8 years old and just as ornery and grumpy as the first day I brought him home :o) He's spoiled rotten and knows it. We can't open the refridgerator without him expecting a carrot. If he can see the bottom of his food dish, he tips it over and starts chewing away at the bars of his cage, patiently wearing us down until we get up and fill it back up for him. About a week ago I went to feed him and found that the bottom of his cage was full of water. Upon further inspection, I found that he had chewed a small hole through the water bottle that DH had put on the side of his cage! Silly rabbit!

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Duncan is one of our two dogs and he's an Australian Cattle Dog. He's 9 years old and sadly, starting to show his age. We adopted him when he was two year's old. He was formerly a show dog and was ranked either first or second in Canada. I would never recommend a show dog as a pet. Poor Duncan had no idea what stairs were when we got him :o( Cattle Dogs are a unique breed with a unique personality. We refer to Duncan as our 'slow' child but we love him just the same :o) Today I heard a commotion out in the garage and when I opened the door, Duncan came trotting around the car with DH's boot in his mouth! We think he's got a serious shoe fetish as this has not been his first time caught in the act....

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Last, but not least, is Brie (as in the cheese). Brie is our two and a half year old miniature Dashchund, only weighing in at 10 pounds, but her personality makes up the rest! This is one lovin' puppy who can't get enough attention. What Duncan lacks in intelligence, Brie definitely makes up for. I swear she has the vocabulary of a human four year old! It's amazing what she learns and what she knows. DH and I have had to start spelling words, LOL! Duncan loves his little sister and they get along great. She loves to taunt him and when he's had enough, he just slaps his paw over her and pins her down :o) The badness level is strong in this one.....

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So this is what I have managed to put together today. Not a bad start after a few choice words! I'm getting the hang of it though ;o)